
Korean Presbyterian Women’s Association Choir concert

The choir of the Presbyterian Women’s Association of Korea (PCK) was founded in 1992 with the aim of evangelising with praise, participating in the movement of church unity, and performing musical service at various events of the Presbyterian Women’s Association.

The start of the choir after the construction of the headquarters of the Korean Presbyterian Women’s Association became a medium for raising the status of the Women’s Association at the level of the unified movement, both at home and abroad.

It played a role as a glorifying mission group of the Women’s Presbyterian Association by strengthening musical competence.

2022 celebrated the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the choir, which realised Christian culture through glorification.

Over the years, the choir has spread the gospel through glorification with 12 overseas concerts among others in Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Canada, Hungary, Germany, Austria.

Date and Location: 

13rd October, Great Reformed Church, at 6 p.m

Source: Koreai Presbiteriánus Nőszövetség Kórusának koncertje | Facebook