
Learning from Nature? – MODEM Symposium Programs Open to the Public

Every edition of the Debrecen International Artist in Residence (DAIR) operating since 2006, is built around a theme. In addition to creation, the symposium’s workflow emphasises collective thinking reflected in the symposium’s programs, which are open to the public.

This year’s theme is summed up with the question and suggestion as“Learning from Nature?”

The focus of this year’s Artist in Residence program is on the broadly conceived discipline of botany. Many significant moments in the history of botany in Hungary can be traced back to the city of Debrecen, such as the Herbarium (1578), annotated by Péter Juhász Méliusz, considered the first herbarium in Hungarian, and the two-volume Hungarian Herbarium by Sámuel Diószegi and Mihály Fazekas, which, according to Linné’s system (Debrecen, 1807), is the first publication of modern Hungarian botany.

In addition to creative and research work, this year’s DAIR will be enriched with lectures and discussions. The workshop will be held in the ground floor spaces of the MODEM Center for Modern and Contemporary Art and to build on this visibility during the program, for example, by opening the workspace to visitors for a short time in the afternoons. Following the early evening openings, interested visitors can meet renowned and respected artists and thinkers from both the domestic and international scenes.

The program, organised by MODEM, will finish  in the fall with a comprehensive exhibition and a theme related conference at which the results will be documented in a catalogue like previous years, containing theoretical texts and interviews.

Invited artists: Centrala (Małgorzata Kuciewicz & Simone De Iacobis), Daniel Godinez Nívon, Zsófia Szonja Illés, Kortmann-Járay Katalin, Eszter Júlia Kuzma, Thea Lazar, Karina Mendreczky, Gaja Mežnarić Osole, Bálint Szabó (Decolonize Your Mind Society), Nóra Szabó

Artistic directors: Attila Horányi, Szabolcs Süli-Zakar, Krisztián Gábor Török, Dorottya Vékony 

Visitors are welcome to the  free events on the 21th of July from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m and from the 22nd to the 28th of July from 5:0 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Cashier and ínformation: +36 -52 – 525010

Date: 21, 22-28 July
