
Térey Book Festival 

Last year, a special literary memorial opened its doors in Debrecen on the 53rd anniversary of the birth of János Térey, who died in 2019. In the poet’s residential museum visitors can view the writer’s legacy and explore his career. The museum is open to the public again after a break, and will soon play a major role in the Térey Book Festival, which will focus on the translator János Térey, and his translations.

With the support of the city of Debrecen, the  Méliusz Juhász Péter Library is organising the Térey Book Festival for the fifth time, entering into a dialogue with the work of the writer, poet and translator born in the city. The focus of the 2024 Book Festival will be on the translator Térey and Térey’s works translated into foreign languages

Térey Book Festival programmes:

10th of September (Tuesday):
4:00 p. m.  – Wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial plaque of  poet and newspaper editor Ádám Niklai, who was born 100 years ago this year. Speech by Deputy Mayor for Culture István Puskás, and son of Ádám Niklai, Gábor Zech.  The poems of Ádám Niklai will be performed by the Jászai Mari Prize-winning actress Kinga Újhelyi 
Location:  5 Holló János Street 

5:00 p.m. – Ádám Niklai  memorial evening at the Méliusz Library. 
Participants: Lajos Arany, Endre Bakó, Heléna Várhelyi, Moderator: Sándor Erdei. Poetry by the Jászai Mari Prize-winning actress, Kinga Újhelyi
Location: MÉLIUSZ Central Library – 2nd floor cloisters,  19/DBem Square

11th of September (Wednesday)

5:00 p.m. – Crossing into German. Discussion on the German publications of János Térey with Orsolya Kalász and Wilhelm Droste. Moderator: literary historian, Ágnes Balajthy.
Location: MÉLIUSZ Central Library – 2nd floor cloisters, 19/D Bem Square

7:00 p.m. – The fiction writer reads – literary discussion series. Writer Sándor Jászberényi will be interviewed by poet and writer Tibor Juhász.
span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Location: the ceremonial hall of the Déri Museum, 1 Déri Square

12th of September (Thursday)

4:30 p.m. – “ Our Street “ (A mi ucánk) – English translator of Sándor Tar’s work Judit Szöllősy, in conversation with museologist Barnabás Pótor
Location: the ceremonial hall of the Déri Museum, 1 Déri Square

7:00 p.m. – Kaddis for János Térey – Zsolt Prieger and Bori Magyar’s musical literary evening.
Location: Csokonai Fórum, Kóti Árpád Room, 30  Csapó Street
Tickets can be purchased  at ticketmaster.hu.

13th of September (Friday)

5:00 p.m. – Opening of the chamber exhibition titled “Raspberry Fields Forever” – The Summers of the young Térey.  Participants: Literary historian Artemisz Harmath, and cultural organiser Ildikó Gábor-Tóth. 
Location: Térey János Library, 2 Debreceni Street Vámospércs

5:30 p.m.- How is/was it made? – Tracing the Jókai caricatures – Guided tour and workshop in the temporary exhibition titled Jókai másKÉPp. Viktor Kostyál will guide visitors through the programme.
Location:  House of Literature in Debrecen, 28 Péterfia Street

14th of  September (Saturday)

5:00 p.m.  – Wreath laying ceremony at the birthplace of János Térey
Speech by the Deputy Mayor István Puskás,  József Attila Prize-winning poet Gábor Lanczkor.  The poem “The Protectress and Her Protégé”  (Védőnő és a védence) will be performed by István Papp and Daniel Warmuz.
Location: 17 Kétmalom Street

5:30 p.m.  – “Fresh, alive, insistent” – Opening of the chamber exhibition “The Translator and the Translated Térey”, followed by the signing of a cooperation agreement with representatives of the University of Debrecen, the Déri Museum and the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library.
Location: Térey Book Corner, 2 Nyíl Street 

6:30  p.m. – Przyszłość miodu – The future of honey. Presentation of János Térey’s book of polish selected poems. Participants: literary translator Daniel Warmuz and poet János Áfra. 
Location: Méliusz Central Library, 19/D, Bem Square

Accompanying events

6th of  September (Friday) 
5:00 p.m. “ A legatee” (Örökhagyó) – In memory of Tamás Kiss, Attila József Prize-winning poet. Speeches will be given by Deputy Mayor István Puskás and by Széchenyi Prize-winning literary historian Béla Márkus. Tamás Kiss’ poems will be performed by István Papp, theatre artist.
Location: Gambrinus-köz.


12th of  September (Thursday) 

7:00 p.m. Pincelíra 100.
Venue: Egri Borozó, 4  Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Street

13th of  September (Friday)

Zsolt Prieger’s unconventional literature class at the Tóth Árpád Gymnasium (closed event).

13 September (Friday) 

4:00 p.m. Exploring the Intersection of Art and AI – Lecture in English by artificial intelligence expert Emmanuel Maggiori, followed by a panel discussion and a screening of the video work Rumi Dreams by Anadol Refik.
Venue: MODEM, 1-3 Hunyadi János Street

For more information about the programmes, please visit the Facebook page of the event.


Date: 10-15 September, 2024
Location:Térey Könyvsarok, Nyilas street 2., Debrecen


Sources: dehir.hu, FB events