
Well-Known Painter’s Series of Summer Events at a Special Scene

Close to the city centre, in a small street, there is a beautiful garden. You might not realise how beautiful it is when you pass its fence, but when you enter the gate, you feel like you’re in a Mediterranean world. The venue for special concerts will be the beautiful Debrecen garden, where there are also hundred-year-old trees.

The garden is part of the world of an artist, Ferenc Uzonyi from Debrecen. A painter who is passionate about nature, and who says it is a great experience to see the beauty bursting out of the buds in spring, and then the world shows a different, but always magical face every season. 

“I’ve had events in my garden before, musical events and now I want to make them a regular feature in the summer.My idea is to organise a series called “Bagolyvár” (Owl Castle)Musical Evenings. You could say they’ll be secret concerts, and those who come will be able to admire the garden, have a musical experience and meet other people interested in culture and art,” painter Ferenc Uzonyi said.

The origin of the title is that there is a tower in the garden, which is almost invisible from the street, but it used to be called “Bagolyvár”.

The first session will take place next Saturday at 8.00 p.m., and visitors can come to the garden on the 6th of July at 7.30 p.m. The concert is planned to be in two parts, and in between there will be a chance to explore his garden, look at the world of Uzonyi’s paintings and talk. The guest of the Bagolyvár Music Evenings will host first band hintaLOW.

More details will be available on the painter’s Facebook page.

Date: 6 July, 7.30 p.m.


Source: dehir.hu