
Furmint February

Lovarda Debrecen, Kassai út 26., Debrecen, Hungary

The Debrecen Wine Friends Association will again organise the Furmint February Wine Tasting on the 28th of February which will take place at the Lovarda University Cultural and Conference Centre  where fans and enthusiasts of the grape variety will be able to taste nearly 100 types of Furmint and Furmint-based blended wines. 34 wineries from several wine regions have been invited to the event. The aim is to show the diversity of the variety and the character of its growing areas. Of course, a gastronomic corner will also be set up, where Wellington Coffee &Pie will offer wine lovers a wide range of delicacies. A limited number of tickets will be on sale again this year, as the venue, the atmosphere and the excellent wines to be tasted require the intimacy and attention that can only be adequately guaranteed by maximising the number of participants. Tickets Admission(on the spot): 12.990 HUF/person Pre-purchase tickets: 9990 HUF/person Pre-purchase tickets  can be bought from the 10th of February at the below loactions: - in PartiumHouse (Debrecen, 81 Piac Street - opposite the Benedek Elek Library Open: Monday - Friday: 09:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Saturday: closed) - Borudvar Specialist Wine Shop (Debrecen, 1 […]