

Nagyerdei Stadium Nagyerdei park 12, Debrecen, Hungary

The University of Debrecen is once again bringing Europe’s biggest semester opening stadium show, the yoUDay at the Nagyerdei Stadium on the 18th of September. This year, spectacular show elements and fantastic performers will wait for the visitors. On the gigantic stage stars like Topic, Halott Pénz, Manuel, LGT Zenevonat, and the Király siblings can be seen, who are sure to create an unforgettable atmosphere.  For tickets and more information please visit website youDay Date: 18 September, gates opening at6:30 p.m. Location: Nagyerdei Stadium Source: FB events, https://www.programturizmus.hu/ajanlat-youday.html

The Theater Company of World-famous Actor Tim Robbins Performs at the Csokonai Theatre

Csokonai Theater Kossuth u. 10, Debrecen, Hungary

The Oscar- and Grammy-winning actor Tim Robbins visits the Csokonai National Theatre with his theater company, Actors' Gang, performing their play called ‘Topsy Turvy’. Tim Robbins is known for giving memorable performances in numerous films, including The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and The Mystic River (2003), for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Golden Globe Award. Tim Robbins founded the Actors' Gang in Los Angeles forty-three years ago, in 1981. The theater company has 24 members, and a total of 19 will be on stage. The 19 members include Tim Robbins' sister, who also has a role in the production.  Director of the Csokonai National Theatre, Szabolcs Mátyássy beleives that the Csokonai National Theatre has a priority task to strengthen the international role of Debrecen and to broaden its offer. This time, an English-language performance will be subtitled in Hungarian, which has been previously the other way around.  Tim Robbins wrote the play during the pandemic with a story of a choir whose members cannot meet because of restrictions imposed to contain the pandemic. The choir is disbanded, meanwhile some want to continue rehearsing in person (in secret), others wanting to remain rule-followers. In addition […]

eTheatre Festival with Fourteen Performances

Fourteen performances are shown between the 20th and 29th of September at the eTheatre Festival, and the discounted season ticket sales has started. The only online theatre event in the country, the performances can be seen with individual tickets and season tickets. Hungarian theatres from Hungary and abroad, as well as independent companies were invited to submit their performances to the festival during which performances by theatres and companies such as the Örkény Theatre, the Csiky Gergely Theatre in Timisoara, the Vígszínház, the Katona József Theatre, the Szeged National Theatre, the Madách Theatre, the Radnóti Miklós Theatre, Exit Generation and the KultBazaar Association will be available to the public without any restrictions. The festival will feature live and free-to-view online professional discussions. The opening round table will be attended by Adél Kováts, Pál Mácsai, Dávid Zsoldos, and Gergely Légrádi, while at the second round table the Katona József Theatre’s performance called 'Találkozás' can be seen only online.  The best performances will be judged by a professional jury consisting of thespian Eliza Sodró, dramaturg Tamara Török, director Tamás Puskás, poet-playwright Péter Závada and the director of eTheatre Gergely Légrádi. The performances may also win special prizes and audience awards. The eTheatre […]

“Only” Design Fair (Csak Design Vásár)

Méliusz Library Bem tér 19/D, Debrecen, Hungary

After a short summer break, “Only” Design Fair (Csak Design Vásár) welcomes visitors  to the Central Library of the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library, both inside and outside, on the 21st of September from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., with the great atmosphere and quality designer products. Csak Design Vásár is a fair for design lovers. Unique, modern products and quality products from designers can be purchased in one place, with Hungarian brands also being found at the fair. Exhibitors: BlackBunny Kézműves Csokoládé & Artisan Chocolates Bőrület Faludi G Cziczás Szabina Ötvös Ékszer itsevas Maminvent MSE Glass What Nituska Design TinaTáska   Date: 21 September Location: Méliusz Juhász Péter Library Source:FB events      

Historical Exhibition Opened in Méliusz Juhász Péter Library

Méliusz Library Bem tér 19/D, Debrecen, Hungary

Exhibition titled "Brave Hajdú People, Rise Up -  anno 1848/1949" was opened in the first floor cloisters of Méliusz Juhász Péter Library. The exhibition presents the political communication of the period with the help of archival documents and press products. Among others, Lajos Kossuth's former manifesto as governor, letters of military freedom, a constitution issued by Franz Joseph I and a partial list of names of those sentenced to death in the War of Independence are on display in the framework of the exhibition. Additionally, the legacy of Dr. Samu Kardos, a former lawyer from Debrecen, preserved in the archives, invites visitors to a special journey through time with the help of contemporary flyers and wall stickers. The exhibition is open until the end of September.   Date: 13 August - 30 September Location: Méliusz Juhász Péter Library Source: dehir.hu

European Women’s Handball Championship

Főnix Hall Kassai út 28, Debrecen, Hungary

The 2024 EHF European Women’s Handball Championship marks a historic moment in the sport, being the inaugural tournament hosted in three countries, establishing itself as the largest women’s European Championship to date. This groundbreaking event unites three nations, each with distinct cultures, bound together by a shared passion for handball. The tournament's logo mirrors this unity, as the dynamic ball incorporates the colors of the three participating countries – red, white, and green.