
Improper waste dumping is committing an offence and can be fined up to HUF 150,000 if caught.

A continuing problem in Debrecen is the improper waste dumping at selective waste collection islands. This has led to the closure of several waste collection islands in areas where door-to-door selective collection has been introduced.

At the request of the city council, Debrecen Public Lands Inspectorate has been carrying out increased checks in recent days, focusing on the selective waste collection islands, and has taken action against several offenders. 

The control will continue in the future.

People in Debrecen who want to drop off waste that cannot be put in the selective waste bins can do so free of charge at the Residential Waste Yard (István Road No. 138) and the Debrecen Regional Waste Deposit (Vértesi Road No. 9/B), which reopened in January.

In addition, forty cooking oil collection containers were set up last year in various locations in Debrecen, where used cooking oil, cooking fat, coconut oil and palm oil can be deposited (not machine oil, motor oil and other oils). 

Permitted oils should only be placed in the container in a tightly sealed plastic bottle to avoid contamination of the immediate environment. The exact location of the containers is available on the website of  Future of Debrecen.

Source and photo credit: dehir.hu – Facebook (Barcsa Lajos)