
The Perényi Pál Speedway Stadium will once again host a prestigious international event, as the first round of the European Individual Championship finals will take place on Saturday afternoon.

The first round of the European Individual Championships will feature 16 competitors. Debrecen has never hosted such a prestigious clay motorcycle race before. The organizing Speedwolf team had to meet several conditions. Norbert Baráth, managing director of Speedwolf Sportszervező Nonprofit Kft., stressed that a lot of preparation had gone into the event, from setting up high-speed internet to the last camera position.

“Debrecen clay motor racing has a prestigious past and a bright future,” Deputy Mayor  Lajos Barcsa said at the press conference of the event. The deputy mayor added that it is important for the city to support the sport.

“The municipality made the right decision in entrusting them with this valuable asset. We originally decided to support Speedwolf with HUF 10 so that we could organise these high-quality competitions again this year. Considering that we managed to bring an individual European Championship final here, we decided to provide an additional HUF 3 million support,” he stressed.

Chairman of the Board of Polish One Sport Sp. Karolina Jankowska stressed that the draw promises to be one of the strongest fields we have ever seen at the Perényi Pál Stadium on Saturday. She hopes for a sell-out final.

The competition starts at 3.00 p.m. at  Perényi Pál Stadium, but gates open at noon with a full programme of colourful activities.
