
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of graphic artist Mihály Móré from Debrecen, a commemorative plaque was placed at 6 Blaháné Street. Many admirers and former colleagues paid their respects to the artist, who died in 1997.

Mihály Móré had been a prominent figure in the art scene of the city since 1955. His works are mainly prints, linocuts and etchings, and he was commissioned by the city to paint several historical paintings.

“There are not enough traces of the city’s history of fine arts that could help several generations to remember those who enhance the city’s reputation, which is why it is important that there are as many memorials as possible to those who once worked here, “ at the event, Deputy Mayor István Puskás highlighted. In addition to the local government, the Ajtósi Dürer Association of Graphic Artists placed its wreath at the plaque
