
The contractor has been selected and the next task is to obtain funding. A long closed swimming pool would be renovated.

The Hajdúböszörmény-based TÖMB 2002 Service Provider Ltd. submitted the most favourable bid in the conditional public procurement tender announced by the University of Debrecen for the renovation of the swimming pool section of the Tisza István College at 13 University Avenue. According to the summary uploaded to the Public Procurement Notice, the company undertook the work for a gross amount of HUF 264 million.

The funds for the renovation are not yet available to the university, so the contract can be signed, but it will only come into force if the university manages to raise the money for the investment. They have six months to do so. If not, the contract will become void.

The swimming pool of the Tisza István College, where there used to be a sauna next to the swimming pool too, has been closed for years. The swimming pool was once open to the public during certain hours.

The call for tenders stated that “the mechanical and electrical systems in the swimming pool area are outdated and their improvement is important not only for energy efficiency, but also for safe and economical operation. It is not recommended to continue operating these systems in their current state, as they present the potential for accident hazards from all points of view.”

If the university is successful in securing funding, the winning company will have to dismantle the existing pool structure, install a new water circulation and filter system with automatic chemical treatment and heating.

They will have to install an air ducted de-misting system for the swimming pool and replace the mechanical wiring, fixtures and equipment in the service area. The lighting and power transmission network will have to be renovated with modern lighting fixtures.

After the demolition of the interior cladding (walls, floor, pool), new cladding will be required, as well as the renovation of the changing rooms, showers and sauna, and the provision of wheelchair access for disabled people.

The total floor area affected by the renovation is nearly 450 square metres. 

If funding is available, the winning company will have eight months to complete the work.

Source: Dehir.hu