
The Debrecen Vocational Training Centre is the first in Hungary to organise a residential career guidance camp within the framework of the “Teach for Hungary” Programme, of which the agreement was signed on. 

As part of the camp, elementary school children living in small settlements get to know the professions and partner companies in an experiential way, and they also participate in cultural programs. Debrecen provides campers with public transport free of charge. Four thousand children across the country participate in the  “Teach for Hungary” Programme. The aim of the initiative, which was launched in 2018, is to support elementary school students living far from opportunities so that they can successfully complete their studies.

The program is now taking a step forward, the Vocational Training Center in Debrecen is the first in the country to organise a residential career orientation camp. “We created the  “Teach for Hungary” Programme because Hungary’s last reserves of labour are in those settlements that are far from work and further education opportunities, ” the government commissioner László György said.

The programme has so far reached one hundred and ten municipalities across the country, with students from twenty-one higher education institutions as mentors, including one hundred students from the University of Debrecen. The DSZC joined the programme in 2022 and is now the first in the country to organise a three-cycle residential camp.

Mayor of Debrecen László Papp said that the cooperation is extremely important because young people can experience the widest range of further education opportunities in Debrecen. “Debrecen offers a wide range of opportunities for young people, young people starting their careers and people who want to choose a career,”  he emphasised.

The DSZC welcomes sixth, seventh, and eighth grade elementary school students living in a disadvantaged situation in shifts of twenty-five people. In addition to company visits, professions are presented in an experiential way. “Our main task is to introduce creative activities in our digital creative workshops. In this way, the children can get to know the path of development, the possibilities and the modern technologies that characterise Debrecen today,” General Director of the Debrecen Vocational Training Center Sándor Szilágyi pointed out.

Debrecen provides campers with the use of public transport free of charge.

One of the main goals of the  “Teach for Hungary” Programme is that by 2030 every child still in primary school has at least a profession or continues education further.

