
International Military Band Festival in Debrecen

Debrecen becomes the capital of military music between the 3rd and the 6th of July. The International Military Music Festival will be held for the 22nd time. Ten foreign bands will be performing alongside local bands, with almost 600 musicians entertaining the audience. In addition, a series of programs presenting the military profession will await those interested. 

“The last International Military Music Festival was held in Debrecen two years ago.  Since 1977, this will be the 22nd time that national and foreign bands have visited the city. In addition to the cultural experience, the Debrecen International Military Band Festival serves well to introduce the national defence and military traditions,” Ákos Balázs spoke about this in Budapest announcing the event. “Like the “Cívis” city itself, the festival is simultaneously a symbol of tradition and renewal, of the old and the new. Due to the dynamic economic development and cultural expansion of Debrecen, the festival is on the verge of renewal,” the Deputy Mayor of Debrecen said. 

“Music, military music, is also a bridge that connects nations and cultures since they speak the same language,” the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence said, stressing that Debrecen will be the capital of military music between the 3rd and the 6th of July. This year it will be the largest event of its kind. In addition to music, there will be an opportunity to learn about the military profession.

“On the 6th of July, which is the main day of the festival, the Hungarian Defence Forces will present their equipment, hold a weapons demonstration and interactive sessions for the people of Debrecen and visitors, and we will also have a recruitment point,” Tamás Vargha said.

In addition to the Hungarian bands, ten foreign bands will also perform at the Military Music Festival, and of course, the Debrecen Garrison Orchestra, which is 70 years old this year, will entertain the audience. Among the military musicians from across the border, there will also be performers from Egypt.

“Around 550 people will be present in this movement, which is very, very rare for a military band festival. Debrecen has never had such a large number of participants, but we hope that this will become a practice for the future,” Chief Conductor of the Hungarian Defence Force Zsolt Csizmadia says with optimism.

One of the most spectacular attractions can be expected at the closing concert, which will be made even more spectacular by the passing of Gripens.


3 July

6:00 p.m. Individual concerts

6:00 p.m. Concert of Hungarian Defence Forces Debrecen Garrison Band

7:00 p.m. Slovakia (Military music band of the armed forces of the Slovak Republic)

8:00 p.m. Czech Republic (VOJENSKÁ HUDBA OLOMOUC / Olomouc military band)

4 July

4:30 p.m. Bands Marching

4:30 p.m. Austria (Carinthian Military Band)

4:35 p.m. Poland (Lublin Military Band)


4:45 p.m. Netherlands (Band of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee)

5:00 p.m. Individual concerts

5:00 p.m. Austria

6:00 p.m. Poland

7:00 p.m. Croatia

8:00 p.m. Netherlands

5 July

4:30 p.m. Bands Marching

4:30 p.m. Romania (Muzica Reprezentativă a Ministerului Apărării Naționale )

4:35 p.m. Italy (Banda dei Carabinieri)

4:40 p.m. Egypt (The Profitable Military Symphony Band)

4:45 p.m. Turkey (Armoni Mızıkası Komutanlığı)

4:50 p.m. Czech Republic (VOJENSKÁ HUDBA OLOMOUC / Olomouc Military Band)

4:55 p.m. Slovakia (Military music band of the armed forces of the Slovak Republic)

5:00 p.m. Individual concerts

5:00 p.m. Romania

6:00 p.m. Italy

7:00 p.m. Egypt

8:00 p.m. Turkey

6 July

5:00 p.m. Sectional presentations, closing ceremony 
