
The International Baccalaureate continuum status means that the International School of Debrecen can educate its students from lower to upper secondary school according to the high-level curriculum of the Swiss organisation.

The students can now officially study under the Swiss IB system, a high-quality, standardised education system, during their lower, upper and secondary school years, starting from kindergarten all the way to graduation.

Until now, no Hungarian institution has had all three, primary, secondary and upper accreditation

“Such accreditation is difficult to obtain because the requirements are very strict, among many others, in terms of institutional culture and curriculum. It is even more expected when it comes to obtaining three in such a short time,” the school’s principal Tom McLean said.

The recognition follows a year-and-a-half probationary period. The IB curriculum develops communication and social skills, as well as critical thinking skills, among others.

“It embraces a curriculum that helps them to develop an international mindset and to learn very important concepts for the long term,” International Baccalaureate Programme Coordinator at the International School of Debrecen Loránd Zajta said.

A city with a strong international economy must also cater to those who want to use its educational services. The school has taken this to the next level, Mayor of Debrecen László Papp stressed. The city can provide an internationally recognised education. In other words, the economy helps the school with the tax revenue it generates, and the school helps the economy of Debrecen to develop through the educational services it provides, the mayor pointed out. 

The number of students is constantly growing. In addition to the foreign students, 19 more will be studying here next year with the help of a scholarship programme set up by the municipality.

Source: International School of Debrecen | Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)