
Infrastructure improvements are ongoing in the city. On Keresztesi Street, road construction has been completed and another section has been paved. On Szabó Lőrinc Street, a sewage pipeline is under construction, which will allow 7 properties to be connected to the central sewer. The two projects will cost almost HUF 119 million.

On Wednesday, both motorists and cyclists were able to use the new solid pavement on Keresztesi Street. Work started in the summer, and resulted in 188 metres of the existing dirt road being surfaced with a solid surface over a length of 188 metres and a width of 3 metres. In addition, the pavement on one side of the road has been reconstructed.

As part of the project, a closed stormwater drainage system was installed and street lighting was upgraded.

The development will make Keresztesi Street an alternative transport corridor in the area.

On Wednesday, a sewer was being built at Liget Housing Park on Szabó Lőrinc Street with a 200-metre-long pipeline being laid to connect seven properties to the sewer.

The two developments will cost almost HUF 119 million, which the city will finance from its own resources.
