
This year’s large-scale road renovations in Debrecen will also include the renewal of sections of Illyés Gyula Street and Ormós Lajos Street. The details were announced at a press conference by municipal representative  Erzsébet Katona on the 21st of May 2024. 

As she said, the large-scale road reconstruction of the section between Illyés Gyula Street Károli Gáspár Street and Ormós Lajos Street and the section between Ormós Lajos Street,  Illyés Gyula Street and Sántha Kálmán Street will be completed in the next few days. In total, the road section is 250 metres long and the total cost of the works is HUF 45 million gross, which the municipality will cover entirely from its own budget.

The municipal representative also mentioned that “in recent years there has been a lot of road reconstruction, large-scale road repairs and new road construction in the constituency, which has significantly increased the traffic permeability of the area. Among other things, the construction of the Márton Domokos road as a bypass has made traffic easier, and significant sections of Tarján Street, Vezér Street, Szabó Lőrinc Street and Károli Gáspár street have been renewed. The renewal of the more inner residential roads has also started, and this investment is part of it, the section of Ormós Lajos Street between Vezér Street and Sántha Kálmán Street was renewed last year, as was the parking lot next to the grocery store in Ormós Lajos Street “.

Erzsébet Katona also added that the reconstruction of the junction of Balmazújvárosi Road and Csigekert Street  would start in the future, which would be extended with an extra turning lane and its throughput will be greatly increased.


Author: Debrecen4U