
MediaCentre’s  programme political analysts and the Mayor discussed this year’s budget and future urban development plans.

In a special episode of the Debrecen Television Weekly Top show, political analysts Bánki András and Kalász Zsolt discussed various aspects of the budget with Mayor Papp László. The budget was examined in terms of serving long-term strategic goals and allocating resources for daily operations and public needs. “All budgets are really about people,” in this regard László Papp said.

  • On the issue of stability, András Bánki raised the issue of taking a loan. As it was revealed earlier, the city government is not planning to take a loan in this year’s budget.
  • The programme also revealed that Debrecen has the biggest budget in Hungary after Budapest.
  • The mayor also pointed out that economic-based urban development is the key.
  • László Papp also talked about how business tax had increased in 10 years and how we we are witnessing a change of scale.

“We are making decisions that will determine the future of the city for decades to come. I am confident that Debrecen will be one of the winning cities of the 21st century in Europe,” the Mayor said.

  • It was also revealed that there are now forward plans for the development of Debrecen up to 2050.
  • The Mayor also reflected on the criticism that too much money is being spent on economic development.
  • Zsolt Kalász responded to the suggestion that this was an “election budget”. He said that the success of the city management strategy has been growing since 2014.
  • The broadcast also revealed that no more big industrial players are expected to come to Debrecen, with László Papp saying that they will be ready by around 2027. Industrial areas will no longer grow, only smaller operators may arrive.
  • András Bánki also pointed out that two new elements had to be included in this year’s budget: free public transport for Debrecen students and the Environmental Control System. These had not been taken into account before, but will always be part of the budget in the coming years.

The programme also discussed the extent to which political stability influences development directions, which András Bánki said definitely helps long-term planning. Zsolt Kalász added that this also means predictability for both domestic and foreign investors.

Source: dehir.hu