
Another spectacular video has arrived about the development of the infrastructure of the economic zone, which also houses the BMW factory in Debrecen.

The EDC Debrecen City and Economic Development Center and the Debrecen Infrastructure Development Ltd. regularly summarise the infrastructure of the North-West Economic Zone, which is home to the BMW factory in Debrecen and its future suppliers, in a video. Their newly published video reports on the work carried out in the third and fourth quarters of 2023.

Link to video:https://youtu.be/OML634MiRS8

The most significant development was the four-lane Main Road 33 between the industrial zone and the border of Debrecen. As stated in the video, Main Road 33 was brought over the railway on a new 2-by-2 lane bridge. As part of the development of Main Road 33, the pavements of Napraforgó, Zöldmező and Orgona Street in Kismacs were renovated in the affected areas. Several kilometres of bicycle paths were built next to the road, and a noise protection wall was built next to Kismacs. The entire development was handed over in November, while the four-lane construction of Main Road 33 continues between the industrial zone and the road leading to Balmazújváros, and a roundabout is also being built at the endpoint at Látóképi Tavern. In the last quarter, the earthwork, curb construction and asphalting of the roundabout were also completed.

The technical handover of this section is expected at the end of the first quarter of 2024, thus completing the planned expansion of Main Road 33.

In the second half of 2023, the construction of Bajor Road also progressed according to the schedule. A bridge will also be built there, and a bicycle path will be next to it, ensuring a safe bicycle connection between the Józsa district and the industrial park. Bajor Road, surrounding the North-West Economic Zone, branches off from BMW Boulevard to the north.

In the meantime, the BMW factory is also being built rapidly, and construction work has not stopped even in the winter. Larger buildings are already ready for the installation of equipment. ‘More than 3,000 people are already working on the construction of the factory, a new service centre will be delivered after the training centre, and within a year, the first car will roll off the production line in Debrecen,’ Johannes Trauth, Vice President of BMW Group Factory Debrecen told Index.

‘50-100 new employees are added to the workforce in Debrecen every month,’ he indicated.

In Debrecen, the BMW Group is building a full-fledged car factory with a press plant, a bodywork building department, a painting workshop, an assembly hall, and a unique battery assembly plant that enables the in-house assembly of the battery cells required for electric drive. The plant, which covers an area of more than 400 hectares in the North-Western region of Debrecen, is the first unit of the company group that was developed entirely along the iFACTORY concept from the first phase of planning in the spirit of efficient, environmentally friendly and digitised production.

According to the plans, BMW Group Gyár Debrecen will start production in 2025, with more than 1,500 employees, and at the same time, the first model of the Neue Klasse with a purely electric drive will roll off the production line in Debrecen.

Source: Dehir