
Work has started on the junction of Kishegyesi Road and Derék Street as part of the second
phase of this year’s large-scale road repairs in Debrecen. Mayor of Debrecen László Papp,
Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Diána Széles and the municipal representatives of the affected
areas András Varga gave a press conference on the project on the 30th of August 2023.
“We have recently announced that we will continue the large-scale asphalting, road renovation,
and road repair works started at the beginning of the year, worth more than HUF 2.8 billion this
year,” László Papp said. On the 21st of August, the second phase started with the renovation of
the affected section of Sumen Street, and on the 28th of August, the renovation of the junction
at Kishegyesi Street and Derék Street, worth 107 million forints was another element. In recent
years, this part of the city has benefited greatly from the road reconstruction programme, with a
large part of Kishegyesi Road – over two kilometres – having been renovated in the past year
and a cycle path built.

The reconstruction of the intersection of Kishegyesi Street and Derék Street – with the creation
of a lane turning right from Derék Street onto Kishegyesi Street – started last year, as this is a
very important exit point from Tócóvölgy and Tócóskert towards the city centre. The
reconstruction work that has just started will cover a stretch of about 150-150 metres in each
direction from the centre of the junction on the Kishegyesi road. Work has already begun on
renovating the bus stops here, which means the stops have had to be temporarily relocated. It is
planned to complete the works at this location by the 23rd of September, or hopefully earlier.
There will obviously be some traffic difficulties during the school start period, but the city is
asking that to provide a renewed environment for traffic, residents in the area accept this minor
inconvenience during the renovation period and drive carefully through the junction. László
Papp also added that the reconstruction of Kishegyesi Road will continue in the coming years
and that István Road will also benefit from the reconstruction programme in this part of the city.
Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Diána Széles said that she has been involved in every single
development that the people of Debrecen have asked for and desired from the municipality for
almost twenty years. This is a significantly developing part of the city, and it is a long way from
the time when, for example, Bartók Béla Road was still cobbled.
Diána Széles stressed that all these developments can be achieved thanks to the goodwill of
the people of Debrecen, the taxes paid by the companies operating here and the results of job-
creating investments. These developments are, of course, always in line with the needs of the
people of Debrecen, which the local government is always keen to meet. He stressed that the
complete renewal of the section of Kishegyesi Road leading out from the railway crossing,
particularly the intersections at Pósa Street and Hatás Street, will make life much easier for the residents.

Diána Széles stressed that the current investment also shows that the development of
Kishegyesi Road will continue, and if the local government can continue the work it has been
doing for twenty-five years, the road will be completely renewed. In this way, both of the major
routes in his constituency – Bartók Béla Road and Kishegyesi Road – will serve to improve the
quality of life of the city inhabitants and to increase traffic safety.
Municipal councillor András Varga said that the current Kishegyesi Road project will affect more
than 3,500 square metres of road over a length of about 300 metres. The works will start with
the cutting of the embankment, the paving of the embankment, the mopping up of the old
asphalt layer, the levelling of the manhole covers, and the laying of the new asphalt wearing the
course of the road. He also expressed the hope that the works could be completed as soon as
possible before the scheduled date of the 23rd of September, weather permitting.
He recalled how the construction of the new lane from Derék Street to Kishegyesi Road last
year made the exit from Tócóskert and Tócóvölgy much more comfortable and safe. The current
investment will also serve this purpose. András Varga compared the roads surrounding and
serving Tócóskert and Tócóvölgy – István Road, Derék Street, Kishegyesi Road – to a small ring
road, where every development is important. He also mentioned that in the near future, parking
renovations will take place in the Tócóskert area. He thanked the city leader for the opportunity
to enable the people of Debrecen to live in a city where, thanks to the increase in tax revenues,

more and more resources are available for all kinds of development, including transport.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu