
The details were presented at a press conference by Katalin Gyuris Bordásné, the municipal representative of the area, on 27th of November 2023.

As she said, in the framework of the Debrecen2030 programme, large-scale road rehabilitation works will continue in the city in November. The aim is to replace ageing layers of asphalt and, where necessary, make local structural repairs – to improve the quality and safety of transport.

Such work has been going on for several days on the section of Mikszáth Kálmán Street between Bolyai Street and Thomas Mann Street. Almost 200 metres of this section of Mikszáth Kálmán Street will be renovated. The works started with the demolition of the kerb, followed by asphalt milling, then local structural repairs, the levelling of the sewer gullies and finally, the laying of the asphalt wearing course. The cost of the project is HUF 38 million gross, which the municipality is providing from its resources. The works will take a few weeks to complete, but the contractor aims to finish by 22nd of December, weather permitting.

The representative asked that the residents of the section of Mikszáth Kálmán Street affected by the project should not drive out of habit but, rather, according to the signs regulating the temporary traffic order and asked for their patience during the works.

She also pointed out that several similar projects had been carried out in her constituency in recent years. Thus, on the odd side of Cívis Street, all the crossing pipes between the buildings were renewed in 2020-2021, and between 2021 and 2023, almost all the crossing pipes on the even side of Görgey Street.

The pavement opposite numbers 5-7 Cívis Street, in the direction of Mikszáth Kálmán Street towards the tram line, has been made barrier-free; a section of pavement between Poroszlay Street 112 and Mikszáth Kálmán Street 85, part of the pavement on the even side of Dóczy József Street and a short section of pavement on the even side of Poroszlay Street have also been renewed in recent years.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu