
A program is available or interested medical students to travel and explore various medical university cities and communities throughout the country.

HuMSIRC and IFMSA Hungary are offering a short-term twinning opportunity for university students. Participants are paired with another student and engage in professional and social activities together. Participants need to be responsible for hosting their twin and for example for providing two meals a day or public transportation tickets.

Students will be given a Social and Learning Programme by their hosts at each of the cities, so that they can enjoy them while building important and lifelong friendships.

This opportunity is available to students of medicine in Budapest, Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged. There is room for both Hungarians and foreign students. 

There is a needs assessment questionnaire to fill out in case of interest

HuMSIRC, with about 800 medical students in the whole of Hungary, is the biggest Hungarian student union. It’s a member of IFMSA. 

IFMSA, established in 1951, is one of the world’s oldest and biggest student federations. It represents, connects, and engages every day with an inspiring and engaging network of 1.3 million medical students from 139 national member organisations in 130 countries around the globe. IFMSA is recognised by the United Nations and the World Health Organisation as a nongovernmental organisation and is working with the World Medical Association.
