
The Oncological Clinic of the University of Debrecen has been awarded the title of Elekta Qualified Regional Training Centre. This means that from next year, the clinic will offer theoretical and practical training for oncology specialists from East-Central Europe. The cooperation agreement was signed on Wednesday at the University of Debrecen.

The cooperation between the University of Debrecen and Elekta in the field of radiation therapy devices and applications began in 2003, when one of the world’s largest companies developing and manufacturing linear accelerator systems installed its first equipment at the clinic, and the developments continued thereafter.

In 2023, the most advanced equipment from the company’s linear accelerator family arrive at the institution. Currently, four high-performance Elekta linear accelerators are used to treat cancer patients. The collaboration now extends to training, with the Oncology Clinic becoming an Elekta certified regional training centre.   

“The management of the University of Debrecen is committed to maintaining and continuously improving the technological level of the Clinical Centre, the largest patient care institution in the country. This requires cooperation with large companies, including Elektra.

We have now reached the point in the partnership where we have signed an educational cooperation agreement to start training foreign oncoradiologists at the university with the help of Elekta. This is a significant step forward for the University of Debrecen on a Euroregional scale, “ Rector of the University of Debrecen Zoltán Szilvássy emphasised.

The representative of Elekta, Catalin Surdeanu emphasised that the specialists of the Oncoradiology Clinic have vast experience in using and managing the company’s equipment,  which is why the institution was awarded the title of training centre.   

“The expertise and competence of the staff of the University of Debrecen is of a very high standard, and this makes the institution and the Oncoradiology Clinic clearly suitable to fulfil the role of a training centre. There are several institutions in the region where professionals need such training, so they do not have to travel to Western Europe, but can complete the courses in Debrecen, relatively close to their workplace,” Catalin Surdeanu added.

In the past year, serious preparatory and qualification processes took place, as a result of which the Oncoradiology Clinic of the University of Debrecen was awarded the title of Elekta certified regional training centre.

“ In addition to technological developments, the clinic’s clear aim was also to provide continuous training. We have completed an almost six-month, very strict qualification process. The company assessed and examined the methodologies and procedures with which we work on their machines and based on this, we became worthy of receiving this status. We are very proud that the activities we do in Debrecen meet international standards. We hope that our cooperation will also help future research and development programs,” , Director of the Oncoradiology Clinic of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre Árpád Kovács explained.

Six training courses will be organised each year at the Oncological Clinic of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre. A two-day course on radiosurgical methodology and a four-day course on high-tech image-guided therapy procedures will be held, covering both theoretical and practical training. The courses, which will start next year, will be attended mainly by staff from institutions using similar systems in Central and Eastern European countries, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. 
