
The news was announced by Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Diána Széles, Director of the Debrecen Institute for Primary Care and Health Promotion (Daefi) Csaba Papp, Municipal Representative Erzsébet Katona, and Head of the School Szabolcs Komolay on the 16th of May 2024.

As Diána Széles said “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative has reached another joyful moment, as it has a new indoor venue, the gymnasium of Árpád Vezér Primary School in Debrecen. There was a great demand from the residents of the neighbourhood around the institution to be able to move here as part of the “Move, Debrecen!” Over the past two and a half years, more than 70,000 people have taken part in the movement’s programmes, with each venue regularly full to capacity. The aim of the movement, according to preliminary surveys carried out by the city council and the University of Debrecen as part of a health plan to get people to move in Debrecen who are very sedentary, has been achieved. A big role in achieving this is played by the staff of the University of Debrecen, the Debrecen Institute of Primary Care and Health Promotion, the instructors who run the sessions, the activists, many other helpers, and the member institutions of the Debrecen School District Centre, the schools providing venues in their gyms, without which it would not be possible to organise programmes in many parts of the city without other suitable venues”.

The Deputy Mayor also separately greeted Erzsébet Kiss, who turned 80 on this very day, who is the member of the “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative, was well as is one of its most active participants and volunteers. Diána Széles emphasised that this movement could not function without her and without personalities like her, just as it could not function without the ever-increasing tax revenues from the strengthening of the city’s economy, which can be used to finance such welfare programs.

According to Erzsébet Katona, local councillor, it is difficult to build a community without a community space. Akadémiakert, Tócóliget and the Liget housing estate currently have no community space, but this school provided the opportunity for the “Move, Debrecen!” indoor programmes. Four times a week, citizens can choose between three different forms of physical activity and participate in the programmes free of charge. The representative also mentioned that, thanks to the Civaqua programme, a reservoir has been created in Vezér Street, which locals now call a “lake”. In the future, a running track will be built next to it, for the pleasure of those who like to run. Many people like to run in this part of the city, so there will be a choice between indoor and outdoor activities.

Director of the Debrecen Institute of Primary Care and Health Promotion (Daefi) Csaba Papp pointed out that sedentary lifestyles are a worldwide metropolitan phenomenon, and that there is a health risk, especially in the form of cardiovascular diseases. Something must be done against this! There is always a lot of enthusiasm in the initial phase of programmes to promote physical activity, but then interest in them wanes. With the free-of-charge nature of the Move Debrecen! Movement, its regular programmes and permanent venues, the initial enthusiasm has been maintained and, as the growing demand for more and more venues proves, it has been increased. This is the 16th venue in a row. From the 16th of  May, the gymnasium of  Árpád Vezér Primary School in Debrecen (Böszörményi Road 150-152) will host zumba classes on Tuesdays from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., and body shaping aerobics from 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., and on Wednesdays from 17. 30 to 6.30 p.m., on Thursdays from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., from 6.30 p.m.o 19.30 for Zumba classes and on Fridays from 5.00 p.m.to 6.0 p.m. for Yoga. 

Head of the Árpád Vezér Primary School in Debrecen Szabolcs Komolay believes that the “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative launched by the city is a very useful initiative. There is a lot to be done in the field of public health, and they are aware of this at school level too, because not only adults do not move enough, but unfortunately children do too. In the 21st century, children are more interested in electronic devices than in physical activity. As teachers were also shocked by the survey results showing the sedentary lifestyle of Debrecen residents, they were happy to join the school programme of the “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative. The students who were able to be involved in this have loved this program and are happy to participate in the events. Now the school is taking it to the next level. An educational institution does not exist in itself, but is part of a neighbourhood, a community, even a centre. And in this district, the building complex of the Árpád Vezér Primary School in Debrecen is the only one that can host such a programme. They are very happy to provide space for adults who want to get moving.

More details of the programmes of the “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative can be found here: www.gondoskodovaros.hu

Source: debrecen.hu