
On the 18th of August, bikes decorated with lights and flowers brighten up the city centre of Debrecen. Be part of the experience as thousands of cyclists ride around Debrecen on their decorated bikes.

Conditions of participation:

• prior online registration

• safe bicycle

• decorative lighting (in addition to the mandatory and working lights)

• children under the age of 16 must wear protective equipment and be accompanied by an adult

• acceptance and compliance with the policy for the event

ROUTE: Mist Theatre – Pallagi Road – Simonyi Road – Péterfia Street -Hunyadi Street – Rákóczi Street – Burgundia Street – Klaipeda Street – Szent Anna Street – Miklós Street – Antall József Street – Tisza István Street – Hatvan Street – Bethlen Street – University Avenue -Nagyerdei Boulevard – Pallagi Road – Mist Theatre


7 p.m.:  Gathering next to the Mist Theatre

7.05 p.m.: Carnival dance groups and trial bike show

7.45 p.m.: Introduction of marching teams

8 p.m.: Start of the bicycle parade

9 p.m.:  Arrival at the MistTheatre

9.15 p.m.:  Bike show

Date: 18  August, 7 – 10 p.m.

Location: Mist Theatre (Great Forest)

Source: Főnix Rendezvényszervező Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.  |Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)