
The Municipality of the City of Debrecen informs the citizens that aerial chemical mosquito control is carried out in the area of the city.

The aerial mosquito control will be carried out in the whole area of Debrecen on the 23rd, the 24th and the 25th of July 2024, 1-2 hours before sunset. Spare days are the 26th and the 27zh of July 2024. The Deltasect Plus 1,2 ULV product to be applied in small quantities, 0,6 litres per hectare, will kill only the more sensitive insects, it is not dangerous for warm-blooded animals or humans, and its active ingredient degrades in a few hours.

Measures recommended for the general public in the context of aerial chemical mosquito control: children’s toys, food, cutlery, clothes dried outdoors should be collected or covered up on the day of treatment. It is recommended to keep the windows and doors closed during the treatment and for 1 hour afterwards and to turn off the artificial ventilation equipment that brings in outside air. It is recommended to wash fruits and vegetables grown in the treated area before consumption or processing.

The active involvement of the public is also important in reducing the number of mosquitoes, as they can make a major contribution to the success of organised control by eliminating breeding sites around the house. Mosquito larvae can develop in up to a week in rainwater that is stored outdoors, uncovered in water containers and in various objects. As a complement to mosquito control, property owners are recommended to eliminate, regularly empty or cover small stagnant water reservoirs around buildings. Residents are asked to eliminate any water catchments in their homes that encourage mosquito breeding. If you notice the development of mosquito larvae in your area, please also remind your family and friends of the importance of mosquito control.

To ensure efficient and effective control, the Municipality will continue to distribute the mosquito larvae control tablets started in May. The residents of Debrecen can receive the mosquito control tablets by showing their ID and address card until the stock lasts, but no later than the 31st of August 2024, instead of the New City Hall, which was the place of distribution of the tablets before, at the Old Town Hall’s Green Area Department, in secretarial office, no. 208, during the general customer reception hours of the Mayor’s Office (Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Thursday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The water treated with the tablets must not come into contact with food; it is therefore not suitable for watering vegetables, fruit and herb gardens. It may be used for the treatment of water surfaces near the dwelling which are not suitable for drinking, are not in contact with living water and are not intended for the keeping of ornamental fish.
