
Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs, the District’s Municipal Representative Aurélia Ibolya Orosz, the Head of the Institution Judit Heteiné Löki, and actress of the Csokonai National Theatre Debrecen Imelda Hajdu planted trees in the Százszorszép Kindergarten in Debrecen on the  16th of April 2024. A total of 2 silver linden and 2 hawthorns were planted in the kindergarten yard.

“The processes launched in 2019 and successfully completed in the last 5 years under the new environmental policy continue, to which the environmental protection program, the Green Codex adopted at the February 2024 meeting of the city’s general assembly, gives new impetus. The 50 measures of the Green Codex, prepared by the city government in cooperation with experts from the University of Debrecen, are based on scientific principles, local characteristics and the goals of Debrecen. Within the framework of “Plant 10,000 trees in Debrecen!” Programme, the ten thousandth tree in the city will soon be planted. We are already at the finish line! We are very happy that this kindergarten applied and got involved in this programme. It is very important to involve the little ones in this programme and in greening our environment in a playful way. Here in the courtyard we have planted ‘story trees’. We would also like to plant trees in the yards of other institutions in the city,” Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs said. 

“However, we are not stopping there, we are doing everything we can to make nature the best it can be; the Green Codex targets include planting another 10,000 trees. In addition, the Green Codex includes a number of afforestation programmes: reforestation, green corridors along the Civaqua water ring, instant forests, urban orchards, the first of which has already been launched in Józsa. The people of Debrecen voted for the Green Codex, which received 60,000 votes, and the tree planting programmes were among the top choices. Trees are our best friends. We want Debrecen to have better air quality, and trees play a very important role in cleaning up the city’s air. In addition to the Civaqua programme, which brought the water of the Tisza to the city,  we are trying to create as many green spaces as possible that receive refreshing water, so that the trees can evaporate better and thus the air quality in Debrecen will be better,” Ákos Balázs pointed out.

The Deputy Mayor also mentioned that in the framework of the Future of Debrecen movement they organise a lot of nature and city history walks, lectures, green cinema, they try to be present in as many areas as possible and to pass on the green idea. Just today, at the Europe Day organised at Fazekas Mihály High School in Debrecen, there was a discussion about the Green Codex and the city’s green issues with the members of the future generations.

“The kindergarten contacted me saying that they would like to create an even greener environment for the children and would like to join the Plant 10 thousand trees in Debrecen! Programme. As a pre-school teacher by training, I am very close to pre-school children and child protection is part of my daily work.I consulted with the Deputy Mayor, who embraced the initiative, so we can be here today. And it is a special pleasure that we were able to participate in a special tree planting, and the actress of the Csokonai National Theater Debrecen Imelda Hajdu tells the children a story about nature,” Municipal Representative Ibolya Aurélia Orosz said.

“Environmental protection is an integral part of the profile of our institution, therefore our main educational task is to help children acquire and develop environmentally conscious behavioural habits. In 2020, our institution won the Perpetual Green Kindergarten title, and that is why I was delighted that we could join the project of the city’s administration entitled Plant 10,000 trees in Debrecen, which aims to make the city of Debrecen, and our kindergarten, more beautiful, more livable and greener,” Head of the Institution Judit Löki Heteiné said.

“I’m very happy to be part of this initiative and I’m very happy because I think it’s very important for our city to gain as much green space as possible. I think that harmony with nature is very healthy and vital in human life. Nature not only nourishes us, but also teaches us and educates us”, actress at the Csokonai National Theatre in Debrecen Imelda Hajdu said.

Source: debrecen.hu