Based on the door-to-door collection, the service provider asks the residents of the condominiums to place the pine trees in a specific place in the public area next to the waste collection route.
Individual property users are also asked to place Christmas trees next to the containers on the mixed municipal waste collection day, without plastic decorations and candy wrappers, along the waste transport route.
They are also asked not to obstruct pedestrian and vehicle traffic by placing the trees, if possible.
Residents can of course use the free green waste collection point, which is located at the Regional Waste Management Plant at 9/B Vértesi Road.
The pine trees that have become waste, which are expected to amount to 28-30 tons, will be composted at the Regional Waste Management Plant. Before being utilised, the pine trees will be cleaned of minor contamination by the employees of A.K.S.D. Ltd. and then shredded. 2-4 centimeter pieces are used to make Agromass Kombi compost.
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