
Thanks to a completed network upgrade, almost 40,000 people in Debrecen have access to better-quality internet service. ZNET Telekom Zrt.’s investment of nearly HUF 2 billion affected the Kondoroskert, Kismacs and Nagymacs districts, among others. Mayor László Papp said that it was important for Debrecen to see the development in all parts of the city.

The development of the optical fibre network in Kondorosert has just been completed. Speaking about the almost two billion forint investment, Mayor László Papp said it was a big step towards a digital Debrecen.

I am pleased that this development has opened up the possibility of high-quality digital services in the outer, peripheral areas of the city. In some respects, it was a quality development representing a higher standard than the digital services already existing in different parts of the city,” said László Papp.

Experts have built a network of almost 226 kilometres during the three-year project.

The standard population package has a maximum of 1,000 megabits everywhere. This remains the same depending on how far away someone’s home is. Anyone who uses this network can request this speed, but we can go up to 10 gigabits in case of heavy demand,” said Gyula Zuber, CEO of ZNET Telekom Zrt.

Thanks to the development, 13,000 households, or 40,000 people in Debrecen, can now access faster internet.

In addition to the fact that today’s technological development requires this, there was a COVID-19 pandemic when we all experienced that life would have essentially stopped if there had been no internet,” László Pósán, Member of Parliament, said.

The investment affected, among others, the Kismacs and Nagymacs districts, the Kondoroskert and some residential areas.

Source: dehir.hu | Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)