
On Tuesday morning, on the 4th of June 2024, the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) signed a cooperation agreement with the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre, which will allow further renovations to be carried out at the Debrecen Emergency Station. In the afternoon, awards were presented to the ambulance  workers at Vármegyeháza.

“Debrecen is one of the largest ambulance stations in the country. More than 85,000 cases were treated in the county last year, covering three and a half million kilometres,” Director General of OMSZ Gábor Csató pointed out. He stressed that the base in Debrecen is the regional centre here in Hajdú-Bihar county, which means that the administration of the neighbouring counties of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg is also carried out here. So this is not just a “simple” ambulance station in Debrecen.

The lobby of the ambulance station has now been renovated at a total cost of more than HUF 8 million, it has been insulated, painted and paved with the support of contractors and the National Ambulance Service Foundation. OMSZ and the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre signed a cooperation agreement to carry out further renovations. The local government is also participating in the renovation.

“Gradually, all assistance will be provided to the Debrecen Emergency Station of the National Ambulance Service. So we have a lot of cooperation. This is really a community that deserves support,” Deputy Mayor Diána Széles said.

In the afternoon, at the Hajdú-Bihar County Ambulance Day, professional awards were presented to ambulance workers who have been serving for decades and have done outstanding work.

József Szatmári has been on duty for 45 years, and two weeks after graduation he was already working here. He has been leading the control team of the Debrecen Ambulance Station for decades.

“It is necessary to make the right decision for the patient very quickly and, if necessary, to help the patient. We stay on the line on countless occasions, even when an unconscious patient needs help from someone who is very frightened and is right next to him,” paramedic József Szatmári emphasised.

Mayor László Papp thanked the rescue workers for their work on behalf of the city. “They are one of the greatest pillars of Debrecen, because it is safe to say, especially in the light of recent years, that safety begins with health. And it was precisely at the time of the pandemic that the ambulance  service received its greatest recognition,” he said.

At the ceremony, it was announced that the Hajdú-Bihar County Government Office had also joined the OMSZ “Life Saving Point” programme. Thus, there are now 17 resuscitation points in Hajdú-Bihar.
