
At the meeting on the 20th of October, 2023, issues related to education in Debrecen were discussed. Following the meeting, Mayor of Debrecen László Papp and Zsolt Tirpák, Chancellor of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre, presented the details.

Mayor of Debrecen László Papp said that today’s Education Council meeting was attended by representatives of Debrecen’s educational institutions, from the church-run, the Vocational Training Centre and the Debrecen School District Centre (Debrecen Tankerületi Centre).

The mayor stressed that a fruitful, forward-looking discussion had occurred, during which several necessary measures had been proposed. On the one hand, there was a reflection on the developments that have taken place in the past. On the other hand, there was a discussion on the developments that will determine the city’s educational system in the coming years. He stressed that the last ten years have been a decade of renewal in education in Debrecen.

Speaking about the future, he said that the new urban development strategy based on TOP+ tenders will soon be submitted to the General Assembly, in which the renovation of nurseries, kindergartens and educational institutions will play a key role.

In addition, the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre will also present a major development programme involving three institutional units in the coming year.

The mayor added that bilingual courses are a priority for the Debrecen School District’s training portfolio. At the moment, the Lilla Téri Primary School is the only institution providing this type of training in primary schools, but seeing the increased interest, he suggested that the School District should increase the number of schools where this type of training is available. The proposal is that these two institutions are the Vénkerti Primary School and the Árpád vezér Primary School. If the institutional conditions are right, the city will provide support for the development.

In addition, the role of the church schools in the city is crucial, and the mayor stressed that there are several sites for the development and expansion of institutions.

László Papp stressed that all the conditions are in place to ensure that, in addition to the economic growth of Debrecen, the education system in Debrecen can provide the required number of workers that the city will need in the future.

It is good news that the number of people in vocational education and training in the Debrecen region has already exceeded 12,000. This underlines the need to continue to develop vocational training in the future.

“All in all, the city’s educational institution system is continuously expanding, growing and improving in quality, taking into account and cooperating with urban development processes”, László Papp said.

Zsolt Tirpák, Chancellor of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre, said that the DSZC is in a favourable position in the life of the city, as thanks to the economic development of recent years, the range of vocational training is expanding with a number of new partners. In this environment, they are able to offer a long-term vision for those who choose this training.

The Chancellor summarised that a number of issues affecting vocational education and training had been addressed.

The Education Council meeting presented the Vocational Training Centre’s vision for partnership and cooperation, outlined the issues that will be at the heart of vocational training in the coming period and showed that dynamic growth in vocational training is expected, particularly in the automotive industry.

Zsolt Tirpák stressed that the DSZC is strengthening its cooperation with the Debrecen Tankerületi District Centre, one of the essential elements of which is the full presentation of career guidance opportunities. In addition, the cooperation of the Vocational Training Centre with the University of Debrecen was discussed, in which they can jointly implement high-quality training, especially in the fields of informatics, engineering and economics.

The chancellor of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre stressed that the city of Debrecen is a model for the cooperation between the institutions, as the Debrecen model is based on cooperation.

Topics of the Debrecen School District Council meeting held on 20th October, 2023:

  1. Short-term infrastructural and professional development of church institutions
  2. Changes to the training profile of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre in line with new investments
  3. Coordination of institutional capacities in state-maintained institutions
  4. Expansion of the English bilingual training profile in our city
  5. Energy saving measures

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu