According to the round table discussion about the environmental protection program of our city, Debrecen is a knowledge-based city, and it was possible to put this knowledge to the service of environmental protection.
By the Civaqua program the water from the Tisza to Debrecen has already been brought , this is just one example of the many measures the city has taken in recent years to support green efforts. These are also part of the new Green Codex, which is the country’s most complex environmental protection program and is open to suggestions for sustainable urban development.
‘Questions about the environment, urbanisation, economic development, urban development should be answered, listened to, and serious professional work should be done in this field, and we can guarantee that the development of the city takes place in such a way that sustainability and environmental aspects are taken into account to the maximum extent possible in these processes,’ mayor László Papp highlighted.
Debrecen is a knowledge-based city, and the knowledge accumulated here could be put at the service of sustainable urban development during the creation of the Green Codex, which is based on the new environmental policy launched in 2019, as Ákos Balázs already spoke about this.
‘Since we announced the new environmental policy our goal has been to create a community of action and a city that can move together for sustainability and green issues, ’ the Deputy Mayor pointed out.
Around half a hundred people attended the Forum on the Comprehensive Environment Programme.
A representative of an NGO offered to help carry out the surveys needed to identify the location of green corridors, recreational paths and other improvements.
‘I would like to offer our help and the help of NGOs in general, so that we can help a lot in this field of data collection, ’ member of Fancsika Fans Association Peter Nagy said.
The City Assembly is scheduled to discuss the Environment Programme at its February meeting, as well as this year’s municipal budget, of which the environment is one of the most prominent parts.