The new rail timetable for 2024/2025 will see fewer changes than before: the vast majority of passengers will not have to learn new departure and arrival times, and the national offer will not be reduced, with the same tried and tested services as in recent years.
However, on some branch lines, journey times will be adjusted to actual journey times to improve punctuality and reliability. This will make it more predictable for passengers to plan and access their journeys and transfers and improve the punctuality of connecting trains.
The transport companies will continuously upload the timetables for trains, buses and HÉVs (Budapest local railways) to the MÁV app, and the EMMA journey planner. In the coming days, all services will be available for planning beyond the 15th of December.
On the Budapest—Hatvan—Miskolc and Miskolc—Hidasnémeti railway lines, the timetables of several trains will be changed by a few minutes to better ensure connections and improve the punctuality of the HERNÁD InterCity trains running between Budapest and Košice. This will also affect the departure times of the Füzesabony —Eger and Vámosgyörk —Gyöngyös lines, as well as some other branch lines.
On the Budapest-Szolnok-Debrecen-Nyíregyháza-Záhony line, the departure times of several trains will also be moved up or down by a few minutes to ensure better connections. In addition, a new pair of InterCity trains will run between Nyíregyháza and Záhony during the day, expanding the direct connection of the Bereg region to Budapest.
More information about the exact timetable can be found here.
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