
President of the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen Professor Zoltán Szabó appointed Director of the  Primary Care and Health Development Institute of the University of Debrecen Clinical Center Csaba Papp as Presidential Delegate responsible for the coordination of primary care for foreign patients, as well as for the medical supervision and development of the field.

Among other things, the Presidential Delegate will be responsible for the development of medical care related to GP, dentist and nurse duties for insured with or without a social security identification number (TAJ number) and uninsured foreign patients, as well as for the supervision and coordination of the necessary infrastructural and professional issues related to the tasks of general practitioners, dentists and public health nurses.

“More and more foreign patients use the patient care system of our Clinical Centre. We want to fully meet the new challenge, and to this end we are making significant efforts to ensure that the medical care of this group of patients continues to improve at our university. In addition to increasing the standard of clinical patient care, it is also very important that the information of foreign patients and their entry into the clinical care system is carried out smoothly and without obstacles. In order to achieve this noble goal, over the past year and a half, significant improvements have been made to our patient management and patient calling system, and our telephone application called UD Mediversity has made information noticeably more effective. In order to improve the care of foreign patients, all three campuses of the Clinical Centre provide patient information in English and German and are under continuous development,” President of the University of Debrecen Clinical Center Professor Zoltán Szabó said.

Primary care for foreign patients is currently provided at the Pósa Street clinic of  Debrecen Primary Care and Health Development Institute, but the possibility of future infrastructural developments is also being investigated.

“The care of foreign patients will not burden the domestic general practitioner system, it will be carried out separately from Hungarian patients. Our activity covers not only general primary care, but also nurse, dental and paediatric care, and even occupational health. With the need to meet the many challenges, we are already investigating the possibilities of developing the basic supply system, and as part of this we are focusing on the issues of infrastructure and care management,” Director of the Primary Care and Health Development Institute of the University of DebrecenClinical Center Csaba Papp added. 

Source: debrecen.hu