
Mayor of Debrecen László Papp, MP Lajos Kósa, MP László Pósán and MP László Tasó held a press conference on the 20th of  July 2023. Government Decision No. 1300-1305/2023, adopted on 19th of July 2023, contains more than HUF 112 billion in funding.

The development of the transport network, as set out in the D2030 programme, is a priority for the city. As part of this, the following projects could be implemented:

  1. Reconstruction of the junction of Balmazújvárosi Road – Füredi Road – Csigekert Street – Szabó Lőrinc Street,
  2. Design and preparation of the Debrecen-Józsa northern bypass road up to the final design,
  3. Preparing the design of the upgrading of the section of Highway 35 between Debrecen-Józsa and Highway 354 to 2×2 lanes and the preparation of the road between Debrecen-Józsa and the slip road of the M35 motorway up to the design stage,
  4. The construction of  the first phase of the linking of the 354 and 33 main roads, the section between the 354 and Vezér Street
  5. Preparation of the development and widening of the Füredi – Böszörményi road junction up to the study design stage,
  6. Extension of the capacity of the intersection of Rakovszky Street – Otemető Street on the main road No 4,
  7. Development of the main road No 48, development of the 1st phase of the capacity extension of Vámospércsi Road, complex development of the intersection Hétvezér – Budai Nagy Antal streets,
  8. Preparation of the development of the bridge over the railway on Vágóhíd Street and the associated road network, including the preparation of the construction plan
  9. Development of the Szoboszlói Road – Külsővásártér junction
  10. Preparation of the development of Nyíl Street
  11. Construction of the missing section of Mandolás Street
  12. Preparation of the eastern bypass, obtaining an environmental permit
  13. Preparation of plans for improving access to the south-western part of the city up to the design stage,
  14. Preparation and design of the improvement of the Kassai Road (main road No 4) up to the design stage
  15. Design of the widening of Kishegyesi Road between Határ Road and the junction of the M35 motorway to 2×2 lanes, with the design of a separate level junction at the junction of the 108 railway line
  16. Preparation of the 2×2 lane extension along the Southern Economic Zone of Highway 47 and the capacity extension of the Homokkert flyover and the associated road network
  17. 2×2 lane expansion of the 481 motorway, junction widening and construction of a new junction

The two largest economic areas in the city are linked to major infrastructure development. In the Southern Economic Zone, the following investments will be carried out: 

  1. Construction of 16 km of the entire road network in the area, complete with infrastructure (drinking water, wastewater, gas, electricity), 
  2. Implementation of the first, second and third phases of the SME park for small and medium-sized enterprises, utilities and infrastructure development, 
  3. Further development of the zone’s natural gas and drinking water networks and construction of 5,5 km of pipelines, 
  4. Further development of the wastewater network in the area, including the construction of 4 km of pipelines,
  5. Construction of 3,5 km of grey water pipeline to supply process water,
  6. Construction of two solar parks with a total capacity of 30 megawatts on over 41 hectares,
  7. Implementation of an environmental monitoring system,
  8. Urban afforestation: planting of a protective forest along the internal roads of the Southern Economic Zone and its surroundings to reduce dust and noise pollution and to cover the industrial area, including the planting of 1,949 trees, 30,000 m2 of green space and 3.5 hectares of forestry saplings at an intensity of 7,000 saplings per hectare in the vicinity of the industrial area, totalling almost 24,500 saplings

In the Northwest Economic Zone, the following investments will be made:

  1. Development of the Debrecen Logistics Centre, which includes the office building of the National Tax and Customs Office (the three-storey building will house 130 office workstations), the customs yard and the establishment of complete customs clearance services,
  2. Development of the electricity network of the North-West Economic Zone. 

In addition, the Ministry of Construction and Transport is also investing in developments indirectly affecting Debrecen, namely:

  1. Railway infrastructure development linked to the Southern Economic Zone,
  2. Preparation and design of the 2×2 lane system of the section of the main road No. 4 between Debrecen and Nyíregyháza up to the construction plans, P
  3. reparation and design of the Törökszentmiklós-nyugat – Püspökladány – Berettyóújfalu section of the M4 motorway and the Karcag bypass road up to the design stage,
  4. Preparation of the 2×2 lane alignment of the section of the main road No. 47 between Berettyóújfalu and Békéscsaba until the construction plans,
  5. Preparation of the western bypass of Berettyóújfalu,
  6. Preparation of the road link between main road No 4 and road No 49101

It is expected that all the projects included in the government decision will be completed by 2027.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu