
The first phase of the asphalting of the Sárga dűlő as part of the large-scale road improvement is underway, Zoltán Piros, the municipal representative of the district, announced on the 31st of August 2023.

“The strength of Debrecen lies in its communities, which is why the needs of the inhabitants of the smaller districts are important, and Szepes is seeing a major, long-awaited development,” Zoltán Piros said.

He said that the works started on the 28th of August and are expected to be completed on 15th September. “The upgrading will include the reconstruction and repair of the embankment and drainage ditches, as well as the maintenance of vegetation, and the final phase will be the laying of the asphalt layer,” he pointed out. He stressed that the development will be carried out with municipal funds of HUF 50 million.

The councillor asked for the patience of the residents of the district of Szepes for the duration of the work and thanked them for their constructive thinking.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu