
During the almost HUF 780 million investment, an extra classroom, a gym, and the renewal of the playground elements in the courtyard were among the improvements. The government, the Reformed Church and the municipality supported the development. It can now accommodate 150-160 children.

“A new building wing has been constructed, which now houses a furnished and equipped group room with an adjoining children’s washroom. The lobby, and on the upper floor, a gym, a development room and a nursery,” Györgyi Kavisánszk Feketéné, head of the institution, said.

The first year of education started with 50 children, and thanks to the current development, the institution can accommodate up to 160 children. Bishop Károly Fekete said that in this kindergarten, wonder is part of everyday life.

The diocese won HUF 502 million for the almost HUF 780 million investment under the National Kindergarten Programme launched by the government.

The Reformed kindergarten development programme, which also allowed for the expansion of the kindergarten of the Debrecen Reformed College, was the realisation of a nationwide, well thought-out institutional development plan, under which a total of 66 Reformed kindergartens could be built, renovated or expanded, Deputy State Secretary Zoltán Fürjes said.

László Pósán said that as a Member of Parliament for this part of the city, he was pleased to see how many institutions had been renovated in recent years.

There have been similar kindergarten renovations in several places, including on the Reformed side, so not only here. They show that confidence in the future is very solid, very firmly based. It was not built on sand, but on rock,” the MP pointed out.

“Today, one in four children in the city goes to a religious education institution, which is far above the national average,” Mayor of Debrecen László Papp stressed.

Whatever the future may bring, whatever the changes in Debrecen or the country, religious education will always be paramount in this city. We see this as the key to Debrecen retaining its Christian, conservative character, in short, its Debreceness, which is very important for all of us,” László Papp stressed.

At the inauguration ceremony, the new wing of the Reformed kindergarten was blessed.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu