
A major development has been completed in the last few days in the Tégláskert district, with the completion of the Dobogó Street pavement. The details were announced at a press conference on the 27th of February, 2024 by Mayor László Papp and Zoltán Piros, the district’s municipal representative.

According to Mayor László Papp, the development is of great importance for the residents of Tégláskert, as there is no pavement or access road along the airport access road, Mandolás Street, which was completed a few years ago. However, to facilitate safe transport, the residents wanted a pavement to connect the nearby supermarket with the streets of Tégláskert. The municipality provided the funding for this, and last year the construction of a 850-metre pavement section in the area began.

He added that the development consists of two parts, since the local government built a roughly 630-metre section with HUF 42 million from its own resources, and the remaining part was built with private investment by a developer who will start the development of a residential park near the department store in the near future.

The Mayor stressed that the city government plans to develop about 30 hectares of land in the Southern part of the city in the coming years, which will be a significant and dynamic development.

On future road development plans, he said that with the completion of Kanális Street, residents of Tégláskert  will have more access to the busy roads. This will also help to relieve traffic congestion on  Mikepércsi Road.

László Papp added that the development will also include new bus stops for the Airport 1 and Airport 2 buses, as well as for buses 14 and 14Y, in response to public requests. He underlined that this development also demonstrates that the needs of the population are the most important for the city administration, which is trying to use the budget to invest in sections that are of priority importance to the population. This is how, in addition to road improvements, the development of pavements and public transport has been achieved.

Regarding the road improvements in the city, László Papp said that thanks to the favourable weather conditions, the machines started working on the 21st of February 2024, so large-scale asphalting is taking place in several locations.

Municipal representative Zoltán Piros stressed that the city’s record budget clearly shows that the developments reflect the needs of the population. He had received several signals in the past that the traffic difficulties between Tégláskert and Epreskert needed to be resolved. The newly completed sidewalk section and associated improvements have created a safe connection point for all ages. One example of this is that the Epreskert Gymnasium, which will soon be handed over, as an institution that also fulfils a community function, also provides connections for the people living in Tégláskert.

Finally, Zoltán Piros summarised the recent developments in his district: in addition to the asphalting of Tégláskert Street, Csermely and Patak Streets, the doctor’s office was handed over, and the construction of Basahalom Street has also reached its final phase.

Source: debrecen.hu