The municipality is making step-by-step progress towards the continuous improvement of its heavily used roads.
The details were presented at a press conference by Mayor of Debrecen László Papp and Deputy Mayor and municipal representative of the district Diána Széles on 29th of April 2024.
As László Papp said, in recent years, the resident have become accustomed to the continuous improvement of roads in the city, and the municipality is moving step by step to continuously improve the roads with high traffic volumes. One of these roads is Határ Road, which is a development where economic development and the needs of the population meet.
Accordingly, the development of a nearly 400-metre stretch of the Kishegyesi Road – between Pósa Street and Határ Road – was started in 2023: the renovation of the sewer was completed. Now, the sewer on a 1,096-metre stretch of Határ Road, from Varjútövis Street to Kishegyesi Road, will be renovated, followed by a complete pavement reconstruction. In addition, the Határ Road will be widened by half a metre from Richter Gedeon Street to Kishegyesi Road, parallel to the industrial park, as this is the road with the highest truck traffic. The reconstruction of the section from Varjútövis Street to Kishegyesi Road will therefore be the first stage of the Határ Road improvement project, which is scheduled to last from now until the end of October. The second phase will run from Varjútövis Street to the main road 4. It is expected to be completed in 2025. -“We will not stop working, we will continue and we will continue to develop Debrecen. Development must not stop!,” László Papp stressed.
According to Deputy Mayor Diána Széles, today is a big day for the residents of Hatvan Street Garden, Nagysándor Settlement and Fészek Residential Park, as they use Határ Road almost daily. This stretch of road is very busy, and the Municipality of Debrecen has been trying to renovate it for years. Diána Széles, as the representative of the municipality of the residential area, thanked Mayor László Papp for his work on this renovation, without whom this investment, worth nearly half a billion forints in its first phase, would not be possible.
She also thanked the government for its support, as the project is largely funded by the government.
The residential areas around the industrial areas are also developing: for example, street lighting is being renewed, cycle paths are being built, and in this part of the city in particular, Kishegyesi Road has been significantly renewed. All these investments will serve both the industrial areas and the people living in the area. The Hatvan Street Garden, the Nagysándor Settlement and the Nest residential estate are also dynamic neighbourhoods.
“We are working to serve all the needs of the residents who live here. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to build a bicycle path here due to the lack of a sufficient area, but this problem will be solved by widening the pavement, and we will also improve the street lighting on Határ út,” said Diána Széles, who also asked for patience from the residents and the people who use the road in connection with the renovation works on Határ Road, where this large-scale investment will determine the course of this year. However, the improvements that have just begun and those planned will make it possible to travel on the Határ road in much better conditions.