
The Municipality of Debrecen has announced a Music Support Program call for applications, for young, amateur, popular musicians for the fourth time.

The aim of the competition is to complement the existing national support schemes, taking into account their shortcomings, and to provide financial assistance to talented, beginner musicians in Debrecen. The result of the call was presented at the Campus Festival on the 24th of July, 2024.

Deputy Mayor of Debrecen István Puskás pointed out that the popular music program had been launched four years before. As he said, “popular music is a very important part of the cultural life of the city, so it is very important to have it in the range of areas supported by the city”. He pointed out that support could make a meaningful contribution to the work of a band and help build their career. István Puskás emphasised  that the Music Support Programme would continue in the future, thus helping the light music scene in Debrecen.

Speaking about the Music Support Program call for applications, he said that this year there were three categories (support for the production and release of popular music sound recording, support for the production and release of music videos and support for the purchase of musical instruments for talented young musicians). A total of 37 applications were received for this year’s call, of which 19 bands and soloists will receive financial support, with a total amount of 4,000,000 HUF, which is double the amount of last year’s support.

The winners of the application are:

Support for the production and release of popular music recordings:

– Fruzsi Erdős

– Hodi kiabál (Hodi shouts)

– Neon Fish

– Quest

– Karc

– Blues from Hell


– VAN band

Support for the production and release of popular  music videos:

– Gate69

– Hodi kiabál (Hodi shouts)

– Quest

– szilu


– Bordó Sárkány (Bordeaux Dragon)

Support for the purchase of musical instruments for talented young musicians:

– Ábel Bodogán

– Dominik Gyarmati

– Péter Róbert Kiss

– Tóth Orsolya

Source: debrecen.hu