
On the third Sunday of Advent, a joint candle lighting took place in the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen on the 15th of December 2024. The program started before the Old Town Hall, where traditional groups led the participants to the church.

Deputy Mayor Diána Széles represented the Municipality of Debrecen County at the event to mark the lighting of the flame of joy. In a recent gathering, she reflected on the meaning of Advent, questioning whether contemporary society can connect with this season as past generations did. She drew upon memories of her grandparents and great-grandparents, emphasizing how winter for them represented a pause from labour and an opportunity for meaningful interpersonal connections.

The deputy mayor believes that during Advent, we must be able to give up things that we only think of as mandatory things that belong to Christmas and serve to achieve the “perfect” holiday, the perfect festive table. We must be able to “let go” of them. It is much more important to pay attention to our loved ones and others, and according to the Deputy Mayor, this is achieved in Debrecen. “Debrecen is a caring city, where people and communities who care about each other can create fantastic things together, and one example of this is the Advent Garden of Souls next to the Great Church. Our communities can comfort and give hope, joy, and love. These communities sustain us; they sustain this city,” she concluded.

During the celebration, the pastor of the Debrecen-Nagytemplom Reformed Church Parish, András Beszterczey, and the pastor of the Debrecen Baptist Church, Sándor Komlósi, also gave their Advent messages, and then, together with Diána Széles, they lit the third candle of the Advent wreath.

The Debrecen Garrison Orchestra, members of the Kuckó Művésztanya (an art association based in Debrecen), the Debrecen Folk Ensemble, the Hajdú Dance Ensemble, the dancers of the Hortobágy Folk Dance Ensemble, the students of Debrecen Ady Endre High School, the choir of Debrecen Baptist Church, the orchestra of Debrecen Reformed Church, and actress of Csokonai National Theatre in Debrecen, Zsuzsa Lehőcz, also participated.

The charity reception following the event in the Advent Garden of the Soul was organised by the teachers and students of the institutions of the Debrecen Vocational Training Center, the Irinyi János Technical School, and the Trade and Hospitality Technical and Vocational School, as well as the students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen and the members of the Baptist Charity Service.

Source and photo credit:d ebrecen.hu