
The University of Debrecen and Thales Alenia Space, an international company specializing in the space industry, plan to cooperate in space equipment manufacturing and space communications, among other areas.

For years, the University of Debrecen has been focusing on space research, and one of the most important projects of the Thematic Excellence Programme, DE-SPACE, is also related to this.

The studies will include areas such as space medicine, space agriculture, and space nutrition, which have potential applications in the space industry. For example, studies on space peppers and comparative analyses of different varieties are ongoing. “Research teams in Debrecen are also working on the effects of cosmic radiation and microgravity on astronauts, as well as the conditions and consequences of long-term stays, and on the processing of Earth observation data from space,” László Csernoch, Vice-Rector of Science, said at a meeting with representatives of Thales Alenia Space.

In recognition of the achievements of the University of Debrecen in the field of space research, Thales Alenia Space, a world leader in the space industry, has taken the initiative to meet with the Faculty of Science and Technology to identify possible areas of future professional cooperation.

This is why a leading expert from France and Italy traveled to Debrecen.

“We have already heard about the research being carried out at the university, which aligns with our company’s interests and development profile. Based on this, we are looking with the experts from the University of Debrecen for the most mutually beneficial areas of future cooperation. This time, we visited the institution primarily for the possibility of joint work on radiation protection,”  European Cooperation Director of Thales Alenia Space Freddy Geyer said.

In addition, Freddie Geyer praised the Faculty of Science and Technology’s plans to create an optical space-to-earth communication capability in Debrecen.

Source: dehir.hu