
Fourteen people received the Teacher, Employee and Vocational Training of the Year Awards, and three outgoing directors were awarded the title of Director Emeritus. This year, for the first time, one teacher from each of the Centre’s member institutions was awarded the title of Master Teacher.

It is a tradition for the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre to recognise its teachers and staff on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. A special feature of this year’s awards ceremony was the farewell ceremony for three outgoing directors of three institutions, who were awarded the title of Director Emeritus.

“I think this is a summing up of my career. I’ve been a teacher for 40 years and I’ve worked in the same school for 40 years,” Director of the DSZC Bethlen Gábor School of Economics and Business Administration Mrs László Tamás Tóth said.

This time, the awards in five categories, Teacher of the Year, Employee of the Year, Director, for vocational training in Debrecen and, for the first time this year, Master Teacher, were given to 27 staff members of the institution and a corporate partner of the centre.

“One teacher from each institution will be awarded the title of Master Teacher. The title was awarded to colleagues who carry out their teaching activities with unquestionable professionalism and truly exemplary professional work,” Chancellor of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre Zsolt Tirpák said.

“Those who educate young people are building the future, and that is why it is important to recognise the work of teachers, “  Chairman of the Cultural Committee of the National Assembly  László Pósán said speaking at the event.

Deputy Mayor Lajos Barcsa stressed that one of the city’s important partners is the vocational training centre, which coordinates its educational activities with the needs of Debrecen’s businesses. The winners of this process are the students. 

“The Vocational Training Centre has succeeded in overcoming very serious challenges, as it has made a very significant leap forward in terms of the number of students, starting from 7500 and now having 12500 students. In addition to this, quality education is also being provided, as world-class companies employ the students who graduate from here,” he pointed out. 

At the ceremony, the Vocational Training Centre also honoured a corporate partner that has made outstanding efforts for the cause of vocational training. The award was presented to Managing Director of EDC Debrecen Zoltán Pécskay.

Award winners:

Teacher of the Year at the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre

Gábor Szabó, Instructor (Brassai Sámuel Technical Technical College, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Antal Lukács, Instructor (Irinyi János Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Szilvia Sándor-Simai instructor (Trade and Hospitality Technical and Vocational School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Veresné Főczén Beáta instructor (Péchy Mihály Construction Technology School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Gyöngyi Kiss instructor (School of Construction Technology and Technical Vocational School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Dr. Katalin Forgács Lecturer (Chemical Engineering Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Employee of the Year at the Vocational Training Centre in Debrecen

Éva Nagyné Lengyel Deputy Director (Baross Gábor Technical School, Vocational School and Dormitory,  Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Helén Balázs-Köblös Deputy Director (Irinyi János Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Adrienn Lisztes Exam Organisation Coordinator (Central Labour Organisation of the Vocational Training Centre of Debrecen)

Dr. Brigitta Sándor, lawyer (Central Work Organisation of the Vocational Training Centre Debrecen)

László Pesti Head of Purchasing and Investment Department (Central Work Organisation of the Vocational Training Centre Debrecen)

Award for Vocational Training in Debrecen

Mrs Nelli Nagyváradi Sándor Deputy Director (School of Construction Technology and Technical Vocational School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

József Farmasi, Deputy Director General (Central Work Organisation of the Vocational Training Centre of Debrecen)

Zoltán Pécskay Managing Director (EDC Debrecen)

“Master Teacher” title

Mrs Tünde Levcsenko Ökrös Lecturer (Baross Gábor Technical School, Vocational School and Dormitory,  Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Márta Nagy Instructor (Beregszászi Pál Technical School and Dormitory, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mrs Imre Szabó Lecturer (Bethlen Gábor School of Economics and Business Administration, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Ágnes Balogh Instructor (Brassai Sámuel Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mrs Zsuzsanna Torma Csizmadia Instructor (Irinyi János Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mrs Tünde Ibolya Bakó Papp (Instructor (Trade and Hospitality Technical and Vocational School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mrs Dr. Anikó Ildikó Vincze Vancsik Instructor (Creative Technology School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Miklós Péter Balogh, Instructor (Mechwart András Mechwart András Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mrs Marianna Sándor Pinczés Instructor (Péchy Mihály Construction Technology School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Gergely Tamás Kiss, Instructor (School of Construction Technology and Technical Vocational School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Judit Sipos Instructor (Chemical Engineering Technical School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Director Emeritus

Mrs. Dr. László Tamás Tóth Director (Bethlen Gábor School of Economics and Dormitory, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mrs Anikó Nagy Pálinkás Director (Péchy Mihály Construction Engineering Technical School Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Mária Makai Director ( Trade and Hospitality Technical and Vocational School, Debrecen Vocational Training Centre)

Source: debrecen.hu