
On Saturday the 11th of May 2024, kindergartners and schoolchildren had the opportunity to try out two dozen sports at the Oláh Gábor Street Sports Centre.

Those who are interested in any of them are welcome to join the Debrecen Sports School’s departments in the future. The tenth “The world is whole with you” sports day promoted regular physical activity not only among the youngest, but also among families.

On the sports selection day, the children could try everything and enthusiastically learned the basics of a sport, for example handball.

“I learned that we always keep the ball up, in the end we have to knock it down. That’s really the essence of handball, that you throw it” one of the young participants, Gergő Fényesi, summarised.

For those who would like to know a little more about their chosen sport, the DSI Debrecen departments are waiting for them.

“We had coaches at every stand, for every sport. Visitors could meet the coaches who work in the departments on weekdays. That’s the most important thing and that’s the point of this event, to meet the coaches who work at the club,” the event’s main organiser  Nóra Berettyán said.

“The sport event was organised for the tenth time. Just like “Move, Debrecen!” (Hungarian: Mozdulj, Debrecen!) health initiative. The purpose of the sports selection day is to promote regular physical training. Today’s sedentary lifestyle is not healthy neither for children nor adults,” Deputy Mayor Diána Széles said at the opening of the event. She emphasised that the municipality organises many programs where the participants can experience the joy of movement instead of the digital world.

“The most important thing is recreational sport, so that the family can move together. It should be a model for the child to move with his or her parents, to go to some kind of physical activity programme, such as a family day out. This is a way of sharing a community experience,” Diána Széles pointed out.

The outdoor sports day was not only a great experience for children who chose healthy exercise. Those who tried at least eight different sports also received a gift.

Source: debrecen.hu