
The HUF 4.5 billion investment, developed and built by Synorg and Xanga Group, is expected to be completed by September. Sensirion Hungary Kft. plans to double the number of its employees.

Just over 100 days after the foundation stone was laid, the new unit of the Swiss Sensirion’s production base in Debrecen is ready for construction.

In the interests of sustainability, it will not use a single cubic metre of gas, but will instead use a heat pump and a solar panel system.

“We are in the middle of a real success story and the first 100 Debrecen workers,  who were hired, have already proven their worth, ” Deputy Mayor Lajos Barcsa said at the topping off ceremony.

“The educational institutions in Debrecen and the employees in Debrecen have proved that it is fine for Sensirion to have a factory and activities in Switzerland, but the Debrecen unit is no worse than the Swiss activities, the Swiss site, and the Sensirion management has decided, and we are already witnessing this, to expand its factory in Debrecen,” he emphasised.

The new high-tech hall, worth almost HUF 4.5 billion, will be financed and built by Szinorg and Xanga Group. As with the first production hall, Sensirion has signed a long-term lease contract.

“This development fits very well into the Group’s strategy, as we are always keen to continue developing with a partner like Sensirion. Our cooperation over the past few years has been characterised by a correct relationship, which I think can be exemplary,“  CEO of Szinorg Universal Gyula Szűcs emphasised. 

The investment is progressing according to plan. The contractor is expected to hand over the new 7,000 square metre production hall and logistics centre in September.

“Sensirion represents the industry that we always talk about, investing in or looking for an innovative, high value-added, innovative manufacturing company with state-of-the-art technology,” CEO of Xanga Group István Herdon said.

While in 2022 Sensirion’s Debrecen production plant had a turnover of HUF 1.5 billion, last year it had a turnover of HUF 6 billion. Managing Director László Ábrahám pointed out  that his company was preparing for the future and has long-term plans for the city.

“We will continue to increase our current number of around one hundred to two hundred, and in the long term to over three hundred. We are already practising the first step of this today. In the coming days, we will be hiring an additional ten employees to meet increased production needs,” CEO ofSensirion Hungary Kft. László Ábrahám said.

At the ceremony an enlarged version of a micro-sensor made with the help of a 3D printer was raised to the highest point of the new building.

Source: debrecen.hu