
The Municipality of Debrecen has announced it is investing in the replacement of the drinking water mains and the renovation of the sewage mains in Hun Street and that Debreceni Vízmű Zrt. will carry out the replacement of the connecting mains. The project was presented at a press conference on the 16th of August 2023 by László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen, László Pósán, Member of Parliament, and Balázs Vadon, Member of the Municipality.

László Papp said that there had been problems in Debrecen recently with the operation of the ageing water supply network in several places, such as Rakovszky Street, at the beginning of the year. The city council decided then to provide adequate funds in the budget, as far as possible, to develop Debrecen’s utility network and keep pace with the city’s growth. In April, the government also decided to launch a comprehensive upgrade of the city’s water network in the coming months and years. The government is providing HUF 108 billion for this type of development.

In the meantime, in line with the city’s road improvement and rehabilitation programme, the development of Hun Street will begin with funds provided in the municipal budget. The entire length of the street, including the section that is still missing, will be equipped with a drinking water backbone, which will allow 50 new connections for drinking water and wastewater.

The sewerage mains will also be upgraded with lining along the entire length of the street. When this work is completed, the closed stormwater drainage system of Hun Street and the complete asphalting of the road will be carried out in the first half of next year as part of the city’s large-scale asphalting and road rehabilitation programme. The total value of the waterworks is HUF 250 million, and the cost of the stormwater drainage and road construction will be the same. During the works, which will take 2-3 weeks, there will be a period when only residents will be able to drive their vehicles into Hun Street, and the 44 bus will use the parallel Somlyai Street as a diversion route.

László Papp hopes that by the summer of 2024, Hun Street will be completely renewed, and the investment will significantly improve the living conditions and quality of life of the people living there. In the meantime, László Papp asked for the understanding and patience of the area’s residents during the works. The mayor announced that the HUF 2 billion road network development programme originally planned in the 2023 budget will be extended, and the municipality will inform the public about further works – some of which will extend into next year – next week. Before that, work will start on Sumen Street early this week. 

According to Balázs Vadon, a municipal councillor, this project is another stage in the development of the Kerekestelep. Although the promise of this development was made in 2019, the period of the coronavirus epidemic and the economic difficulties related to the Russian-Ukrainian war have delayed its implementation. However, the city is keeping its promise, and Balázs Vadon thanked the city government for supporting not only the basic project but also the implementation of new development needs that have arisen in the meantime.

As noted by MP  László Pósán, Hun Street is the first street of the roundabout, one of the main arteries of its transport network. It is the street where bus No. 44 runs, and it is the street that serves a number of institutions – kindergartens, crèches, and social services. Unfortunately, the road structure of Hun Street, built in the 1960s, is now worn out by vehicle traffic and the lack of stormwater drainage. As it turned out, the water utilities also need to be reconstructed, so the reconstruction of Hun Street will cost more than half a billion forints in two major phases, for which the city will provide the necessary additional funding. In the first phase, the contractor will replace the drinking water mains and extend the missing section. The latter will now allow more residents to measure their household water consumption through a main water meter instead of a standpipe. The sewerage main will also be upgraded.

According to the MP, the contractor is expected to complete all these works by November 2023, followed by the construction of the stormwater drainage system, the complete renewal of the road structure and the asphalting in spring 2024.

Balázs Vadon explained the changes to the traffic schedule during the works: bus 44 is expected to run on Somlyai Street from the beginning of September, and Hun Street is expected to become one-way from Mikepércsi Street to Szávay Gyula Street from the end of September. Up-to-date information on the works will be provided to the public concerned through the press and directly.

Member of Parliament László Pósán pointed out that while the quality of Hun Street does not appear to be terribly bad at first glance, however, the cost implications of the work to be done are considerable. This shows that it is not easy to create the simple conditions of everyday life that are taken for granted – all this requires serious financial, technical planning and construction work. This can only be achieved if the city of Debrecen has the resources to do so, thanks to systematic urban and economic development. The stronger the city’s economy, the more resources are available, and the sooner the infrastructure can be renewed and developed. László Pósán emphasised that he is confident that economic development will continue unabated in Debrecen and that the necessary investments will be realised in the future.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu