
The first program of the Womanext Business Club was held in Debrecen, providing an
opportunity for women entrepreneurs and leaders to engage in dialogue.
The event featured round table discussions and presentations.

Gastronomy, presentation, small business opportunities. These were some of the topics
discussed at the Academy event of the Womanext Business Club. The aim of the day was to
exchange experiences between women entrepreneurs in the region. According to Gyöngyi
Porkoláb, President of the Womanext Association, the club’s uniqueness lies in the fact that it
was set up independently in a rural area.

“The feedback so far is that there is a great need for women entrepreneurs to share their ideas
with each other so that they can get motivation and inspiration from each other’s work. Beyond
this, we believe that value creation should be the main guiding principle for businesses,” she

According to members, it is important from both an economic and a social point of view to
rebuild similar communities that were lost during the pandemic.

“I am very curious to know how women entrepreneurs are running their businesses in the
current economic situation, how they see that they can benefit from it, and how flexible they are
to the economic situation,” Petra Inotay, Chair of the Board of Trustees of FIVOSZ said.
The programme also featured a presentation of Mayor of Debrecen László Papp, “The future is
built here! Debrecen present and future”, where he presented economic and urban development
topics and projects, among others.

“I think that for a city to be successful, it needs a strategy, it needs a vision, it needs milestones
that can be measured, that can be used to know how the city is progressing,” he pointed out.
Later in the day, participants took part in round table discussions, where 14 invited experts
shared their thoughts with the participants.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu