
The Municipality of Debrecen organises a commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the heroes of the 1848–49 Revolution and Freedom Fight and defending generals executed on 6th October 1849 in Arad.  The event will take place on Friday, 6th of October 2023.

The programme is as follows: 

8:30 a.m.: Raising and lowering of the flag of Hungary at half-mast on Kossuth Square

9:00 a.m.: Memorial ceremony at the Dying Lion Monument at the Honvédtemető (Honvédtemető Street 36). Speech: István Puskás, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen

9:45 a.m.: Wreath-laying ceremony at the Nagysándor József memorial plaque on the wall of the recruitment office No. 2 (Péterfia Street 58/A)

Political parties, social and civil organisations can send their wreath-laying requests to rendezveny@ph.debrecen.hu by 2nd October 2023.

6 October is a National Day of Mourning in Hungary remembering the Thirteen Martyrs of Arad who made the ultimate sacrifice for Hungary’s freedom and independence after the defeat of the 1848–49 Revolution and Freedom Fight.

Sourece: debrecen.hu | Photo: Facebook (Papp László)