
Debrecen Flower Carnival 2024 Programmes – Updated

Flower Carnival Programmes – 2024

The 20th August is the national and state holiday of Hungary and the anniversary of the consecration of Stephen I of Hungary. In Debrecen, it is also the day of the Flower Carnival. It is a real attraction, drawing in visitors from across the country and internationally ever since it was first organised in 1966. Today the carnival is far more than just a parade of spectacular floral compositions and international artistic ensembles,  it is a week-long colourful programme of events where visitors can find the entertainment that appeals to them most.

This year, more than 2000 foreign and Hungarian performers will dazzle the audience in the carnival procession accompanied by flower floats. 

The audience can also tune into this year’s parade via  the fascinating and enjoyable Carnival Week programmes starting on the 15th of August during which flower installations and flower sculptures will decorate the city with the Flower City, courtesy of Diehl Aviation Hungary Kft, Alföldi Nyomda Zrt, MODEM and Marianna Répáczky. In front of the historical building of the Csokonai Theatre there is a flower bench, while the MCC Debrecen offers visitors a flower photo point.

Programmes on the 20th of August

Carnival Fun Run

Starting point: Debrecen, Baltazár Dezső Square

7:00 a.m. 8:00  a.m.On-site registration

8:00 a.m. Joint warm-up

8:15 a.m. Start

Route: Baltazár Dezső Square – Déri Square – Bethlen Street – Egyetem Avenue – Egyetem Square

Finish: University Square

Distance: 2.6 km (not certified distance), which runners have 30 minutes to complete.

Age limit: none, children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

Participation: free, no entry fee.

Morning Flower Carnival procession  9:00 a.m.

The route of the parade: Piac Street – Kossuth Square – Hatvan Street – Bethlen Street – Egyetem Sugárút.

In keeping with the tradition of the festival, the procession will be led by a colourful fun run and an oldtimer show, with more than 10 flower floats this year.

Flower Floats and Old Timer Exhibition  1:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Nagyerdei Stadium

The flower floats will be on full display for one day only, on 20th ofAugust, at the Flower Float and Old Timer Show following the Carnival parade, where more American cars than ever before will amaze visitors. 

Admission: adults – 2.990 HUF, student/pensioner – 2.290 HUF 

Impressions and improvisations 3.0  2:00 p.m . – 7:00 p.m., Déri Square

Visitors to Déri Square can enjoy an exciting crossover production with young artists, musicians and dancers inspiring each other in the embrace of easels, around which contemporary and modern dancers constantly alternate with their choreographies and improvisations inspired by the musical accompaniment.

Gábor Márkó acoustic concert 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The popular actor-singer duo, Márko Gábor and Bernadette Becz, are known to the audience from both music TV shows and theatre productions. They think of themselves as theatre people, but they have no secret ambition to conquer the concert stage. Their bandleader is Artisjus award-winner Dávid Dér, whom they met during the 2023 show “The Dal”.

Evening Procession – from 8:00 p.m. onwards, flower floats will march on a shortened stretch of road (from Rózsa Street to the Great Church).

The highlight of the event will be the evening parade but this will be preceded by a whole week of carnival, with an incredibly rich programme of activities, joined by several institutions and civil communities of the city. Several dance groups will be back in action, dressed in new costumes and with spectacular instruments in order to entertain the audience. The shortened route includes two grandstands, for which the seats are available for HUF 5.990 and HUF 6.990.

Bagossy Brothers Company Concert   9:30 p.m.  – 11:00 p.m., Kossuth Square

One of the most popular Hungarian bands of our days, the Bagossy Brothers Company, will close the carnival week at Kossuth Square. Participation is free.

Additional information

Tickets for the grandstands along the parade route are available for HUF 8,990, 9,990 and 10,990, please find information about tickets and seating at the following link.

You can stop and watch the parade free of charge anywhere along the parade route, within the designated boundaries.

Motor vehicles may park in the car parks close to the parade route. It is important to note that roads crossing the parade route will be closed to traffic by police at 7.00 a.m. 

For buses and coaches, parking is recommended in the car park behind the Főnix Arena.

List of underground car parks in the city center can be found under this link.

The flower floats will be on full display on only one day, 20th of August, the compositions will be on show at the flower float exhibition following the carnival parade on the Northern Event Square of the Nagyerdei Boulevard and the Nagyerdei Stadium with continuous programmes with groups and performers.

Other accompanying events of the Carnival Week

42nd Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition (Exhibition of the winning entries of last year’s Hungarian Press Photo Competition)  13 August,  6:00 p.m. – 8 September, 6:00 p.m., Csapó Street pedestrian area 

This year, 250 photographers entered 2,470 entries, with a total of 6,810 photos submitted.

Playmobil exhibition 14-20 August, 10:00 a.m. – 6 :00 p.m., Kölcsey Center Ballroom

The Night of Classics Soundtrack Concert show  “Hungarians in Hollywood“ 15 August, Kossuth Square 

Kodály Choir Concert  7.30 p.m., 15 August,  Memorial Garden behind the Great Church  Conducted by Csaba Kiss

The concert is free of charge. 

Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra Concert – 8.30 p.m., 15 August,  Kossuth Square 

Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra performs the most famous works of Hungarian and Hungarian-born Hollywood artists. Tickets for the evening concert are available for 3000 HUF, while the performance can be viewed free of charge from other parts of Kossuth Square.

After the concert, from about 10:15 a.m.  “Little Night Music” will be performed by the Kodály Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra in the Memorial Garden behind the Great Church.

Conductor: Tibor Bényi

The concert is free of charge. 

Budapest Illustration Festival – 15 August – 19 September Bényi Gallery

A selection of award-winning works from the Budapest Illustration Festival.

“Feel Free to Create” Exhibition – from 16 August, Kölcsey Centre, 1st floor foyer 

The art competition “Create freely 2024 – Your Sports Experience!” asked young people to paint their favourite sporting experience, athlete or sporting discipline. Winning entries will be exhibited at the Kölcsey Centre, where they will be an uplifting encounter between art and sport.

2nd Batthyány Flower Fest – 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., Batthyány Street

The 2nd Batthyány Flower Fest, held from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., features colourful programs from the Debrecen Creative Community, including shops and associations of Batthyány pedestrian street. During the free event, the youngest of the dance schools can parade along the entire street between 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

Dance schools performing at the Batthyány Flower Fest: Diamond Fitness Sports Association, Sárközy Ballet and Stage Dance School, LESZ DANCE Dance and Sports Association, Positive Center Dance Arts Association, Dance Universe Dance Sports Association, Feeling Dance and Cheerleader Association, Harmónia Dance Stylers, Happy- Time Dance School, Pirouette Dance Studio, Hajdúszoboszló Főnix Show Dance and Cheerleader Sports Association, Balancé Dance School, R&B Dance Hip Hop Dance School.

From 7.30 p.m. the International Street Festival programmes are open to all those interested.
7:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Hinta LOW koncert
8:00 p.m – 10:00 p.m  DJ.Maci

Swing à la Django concert 16 August 7:00 p.m., Kossuth Square

One of the Flower Carnival’s most well-liked acts, Swing à la Django will  showcase their most recent, thrilling musical endeavor to the public: a rearrangement of the Four Seasons. Over the past two years, the singles of the two-time gold-selling band have amassed millions of views on music-sharing portals and dominated the radio playlists of the most-listened-to radio stations.

Irie Maffia concert,  16 August 9:30 p.m., Kossuth Square

The Irie Maffia band, a supergroup with Hungary’s distinctive singers, has been playing in front of 6-8 thousand people in Budapest Park and regularly performing at the biggest festivals. They have received several award nominations and  their 15th anniversary album, ‘Volt egy álmom’, has become a national hit.

The concert is free of charge.

1st Career Carnival 17 August  2:00 p.m.- 20 August – 8:00 p.m., Dósa Nádor Square

At this year’s Flower Carnival, we will be hosting the first Career Carnival, with spectacular attractions, light shows and star performers,  children programmes and nearly 500 foreign dancers and musicians. Big concerts will start early in the evening.

The whole space will be decorated with light painting, LED jugglers and mirror stilts. The BMW Group Factory Debrecen is the main partner of the Career Carnival.

Miranda Yulasyi and Gergő Tóth Concert 17 August, 8:10 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., Dósa Nádor Square

Yulaysi Miranda is a versatile Cuban singer and songwriter, the discovery of the 3rd season of “Celebrity on Celebrity” and winner of The Voice Cuba 2016. Yulaysi has also been a guest artist on three albums nominated for a Latin Grammy Award in the Best Tropical Album category. The dazzling singer brings the true Caribbean feel to the stage of Dósa nádor tér with her husband, violinist Gergő Tóth

The concert is free of charge. 

Bohemian Betyars Concert August 17, 9:00 p.m. Kossuth Square

Bohemian Betyars, have gained global attention since their 2009 debut with their captivating, energetic, and life-affirming music. Their unique sound blends Hungarian, Balkan, and Gypsy folk music, combining punk, ska, and other styles. Their adventurous spirit continues to move audiences worldwide, bringing joy and self-indulgence to various venues, including clubs and festivals.

The concert is free of charge.

SunCity Brass Concert  – 18 August, 9:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m., Dósa Nádor Square

The special line-up of Suncity Brass consists of a DJ/Keyboard and a full brass band including three trumpeters, a trombonist, a bass trumpeter and a sousaphone player.

The concert  is free of charge.

The City is Dancing!  17-20 August

Every afternoon during the carnival long weekend, local dance groups will perform at Kossuth Square, Dósa Nádor Square and the Forum shopping center, supplemented with foreign dance groups from abroad. 

Night Ride 18 August 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

During the event, thousands of cyclists will ride their decorated bikes around Debrecen. During the event, traffic will be restricted on several streets from the Great Forest to the city center. 

Night Ride Programmes

7:00 p.m.  Gathering at the Mist Theatre (Pope John Paul II Square)

7:05 p.m. Carnival dance groups and trials

7:45 p.m. Presentation of the marching teams (institutions, companies, NGOs)

8:00  p.m. Start of the parade

9:00  p.m. Arrival at the Fog Theatre

9:15 p.m. “Fire” bike show

Route: Pope John Paul II Square (Ködszínház) – Pallagi út – Simonyi út – Péterfia utca – Hunyadi utca – Rákóczi utca – Burgundia utca – Klaipeda utca – Szent Anna utca – Miklós utca – Antall József utca – Tisza István utca – Hatvan utca – Bethlen utca – Egyetem sugárút – Nagyerdei körút – Pallagi út – Pope John Paul II Square (Ködszínház)

In the evenings, the city centre will be revived with building projections and light artworks in Dósa Nádor Square, Szent István Park,Small Reformed Church and the Aranybika building.

Beer by the Lake 15-20 August, Great Forest 

The gastro-cultural event, part of the Debrecen Flower Carnival, promotes quality beer gastronomy and cultural entertainment in Hungary. 

More details:  https://debreceniviragkarneval.hu/beer-by-lake-2/

Galiba Children’s Festival  17-20 August Amusement Park

For four days, children and families can enjoy interactive activities, craft workshops, developmental games, puppet shows, concerts, sports and dance performances, and games in the amusement park.

Details: https://debreceniviragkarneval.hu/galiba-gyermekfesztival-2/

Botanica Expo  17-20 August, Kölcsey Center

The greenest event of the Debrecen Flower Carnival, the free-to-attend BOTANICA Expo, flower and gardening exhibition and fair, will be held for the third time this year. The long-term goal of the programme is to create a more nature-oriented and sustainable Debrecen. The visit of the BOTANICA Expo, flower and horticultural exhibition and fair, is free of charge. 

On the opening day,  an exhibition of the winning entries of the Magic Hungary photo competition will open at the Kölcsey Centre. The exhibition of 175 images by 69 artists, presented at the Hungarian National Museum, first arrived at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum and from there to the first rural venue, Debrecen. The exhibition is open until the 15th of September, and  free to visit

More details: https://debreceniviragkarneval.hu/botanica-expo/

Magna Cum Laude Concert 18 August, 9:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.  Kossuth Square

Magna Cum Laude, the winner of the 2024 Petőfi Music Award “Ensemble of the Year”, will be among the big concerts of the Debrecen Flower Carnival.

The concert is free of charge.

Concert of Dénes Pál 19 August  6:40 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Dósa nádor Square

The public first heard about Dénes Pál more than ten years ago, in 2013, when the singer won The Voice, Hungary’s Voice talent show. Many people got to know him when with a duet he reached the final of the competition of “The Dal” 2013  talent show.

The concert is free of charge

Kállay-Saunders András Concert 19 August 9:00 p.m.,  Dósa nádor Squaure

For the practically unstoppable Hungarian-American singer-songwriter, Megasztár Talent Show  in 2010 brought him national recognition, but his real breakthrough came in 2014, when he won “The Dal 2014” competition. Representing Hungary with his song Running, he achieved his second best Hungarian result ever, finishing 5th at the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen

The concert is free of charge.

Concert of Roby Lakatos, Gigi Radics and Attila Kökény – 19 August 9:00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m., Kossuth Square

Three of Hungary’s iconic musicians, Gigi Radics, Roby Lakatos and Attila Kökény, will give a unique joint concert for the benefit of the Debrecen Flower Carnival audience. The legendary trio will perform at Kossuth Square on the 19th of  August from 9:00 p.m.

The concert is free of charge.

“Jazz for You” Concert 20 August from 7.00 p.m. Kölcsey Centre

Due to the great success and interest, the Steve Jazz Trio and the Kodály Choir will perform together again. With their concert we bid farewell to the harsh winter during the carnival season and this September to the scorching summer with passionate jazz music and choral music.

Contributors: Steve Jazz Trio (István Bundzik – piano, Gyula Horváth – bass guitar, Gábor Kacsenyák – drums) / Kodály Choir

Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper

Ticket purchase: via https://kodalyfilharmonia.jegy.hu,  in person at the Klassz Pont ticket office, at the Kölcsey Centre ticket office, at the Tourinform Office.

Further information: https://kodalyfilharmonia.hu/hangversenynaptar/esemeny/479/ujra-jazzt-neked


Date:15-20 August

Location: Various locations in Debrecen


Sources: https://debreceniviragkarneval.hu/a-debreceni-viragkarneval-mindenkie/, https://fonixinfo.hu/programok,  FB events, dehir.hu