On 10th October, the programme starts at 9 a.m. with the commemoration of the declaration of the Great Forest as protected and the laying of a wreath ceremony in the courtyard of Debreceni Forestry of NYÍRERDŐ Ltd. at the three memorial pillars (25 Kartács Street).
Performers at the opening ceremony are folk singer, Ildikó Bárdosi and Primate and forest engineer, Miklós Molnár.
Programs of the day:
Handicraft demonstrations and workshops (wood carving and gingerbread making)
9.30 a.m. Breed presentation of hunting dogs
10 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.Children programme of Kuckó Art Farm:
– Taking photos in front of canvases depicting forest and hunting scenes at the photo theatre of Ferkó Kádár, “I’m going to be a small forester!”. The pictures will be sent by e-mail in an environmentally friendly way.
– Archery in the forest, making and wearing a Great Forest (paper) crown, environmental and nature conservation programs of Green Circle from Hajdúböszörmény
Forest school programs for children:
– Educational trail tour, folk games, Great Forest quiz, Giant board games, continuous screening of NYÍRERDŐ Ltd’s films, oak wreath tug-of-war competition for children’ teams and families
Participation in the program is free, but prior registration is required. Registration requests can be sent to agnes.barna@nyirerdo.hu.
Location: Debrecen Great Forest
Source: https://www.facebook.com/events/884332316654586