
Details were announced at a press conference on the 6th of November 2023.

Viktor Papp, the leader of the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary group in Debrecen, said that within the framework of the Debrecen 2030 programme, large-scale asphalting and road renovation works in the district will continue, which aims to renew the roads in the district in addition to the renovation of the city’s busy intersections, as it is also of paramount importance to create comfortable and safe transport conditions for residents.

He added that paving work was also needed on Katalin Street, which is a particularly busy street in the district, as it links Sámsoni Road and Sólyom Street, the main artery between the main road and the centre of the district. 

He stressed that the renovation works will be carried out in two phases. 

In the first phase, the 550-metre stretch of road between Piroska Street and Sólyom Street will be resurfaced. This investment will be carried out at the city’s own expense for a gross amount of HUF 68 million.

The works will start with the removal and construction of kerbs, followed by asphalt milling. This will be followed by the levelling of the existing manhole covers. The renovation works will end with the laying of the new asphalt wearing course. In addition, the pavement in the street will be completely renewed. According to the contractor, the project will take seven weeks to complete.

The second phase of the works will be carried out between Sámsoni Road and Piroska Street as part of the 471 road reconstruction project, which is part of the Ministry of Construction and Transport’s investment.

Among the improvements affecting the district, he mentioned that in 2019, Piroska Street underwent a complete renewal, and Honti Street received an asphalt road surface in 2021, but further road renovations are also expected in the future in the district.

Pedestrian safety is also a major concern, with 31 sections of pavement built or renewed in the district over the past period at a cost of HUF 13 million. Thanks to improvements such as the new medical centre and the renewal of public parks, the district is making steady and spectacular progress, he said.

The representative added that in the eastern part of the city, road reconstruction work is currently underway in several places, and that special attention is being paid to the asphalting of streets that do not have solid pavement. As part of this, the public procurement for the asphalting of Dolmány Street has been completed and the design process will start in the coming days, once the contract has been signed. The aim is to improve transport in the district, so that residents can travel on roads of even better quality, in comfort and safety. 

He asked the public and road users to be patient during the renovation works, drive with caution and according to the current traffic rules.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu