
The details were presented at a press conference on 6th December 2023 by Zoltán Piros, the local representative of the area, and the completion of the large-scale road improvement of the section of Tégláskert Street between Vadász and Csordás Streets was also discussed.

As the representative said, the streets and pavements of the Tégláskert are under continuous improvement. Recently, a large-scale road improvement of the section of Tégláskert Street between Csordás and Vadász Streets was completed, which the city government carried out with HUF 40 million of its own funds.

Work has now started on the construction of an 850-metre-long, 1.5-metre-wide paved walkway along Dobogó Street between Kanális Street and Epreskert Street. Of this, 630 metres will be built by the municipality at a gross cost of around HUF 42 million, while the remaining 220 metres will be built by a developer of a housing estate to be built along Dobogó Street. 

The pavement will create a safe pedestrian link between the Tégláskert and Epreskert districts, making the latter’s shopping facilities more accessible for residents of the area. In addition, the pavement will be built in the form of a pedestrian walkway. These bus stops will be used in the future by the Airport 1 and 2 buses operated by DKV Zrt. All these improvements will improve the quality of life and comfort of the residents.

Zoltán Piros also mentioned that design work is underway for the solid surfacing of Varsa Street, Bádogos Street and Bádogos köz.

He also expressed the hope that a section of Basahalom Street, the westernmost street in the area, will be paved. In the future, the planned construction of an overpass on Vértesi Street will improve accessibility to Tégláskert, and the extension of Mandolás Street to Gázvezeték Street is also included in the government’s transport development investment plans for Debrecen.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu